24. Ours

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"Louis, stop fidgeting," Harry said to Louis who was shaking his knees, something he'd do when he was nervous.

"I'm not," He tried to defend himself.

Harry squeezed Louis' hand which was in his own. "What are you so nervous about anyway?"

"Haz, this is real," He said in disbelief. "After we find out the sex, it's real,"

Harry chuckled, "Lou, it's been real the moment I found out I was pregnant. No need to be nervous I promise you,"

Louis was about to say something else when the doctor walked in the room.

"Sorry for the wait," Harry's doctor smiled and closed the door behind her. "Are you guys ready to find out the sex of your baby?" She said and both boys nodded and squeezed each other's hand tightly.

"You know the drill Harry, please lift up your shirt for me and lay down," She said and Harry did as told, Louis never leaving his side by the bed.

The cold gel was applied to Harry's belly and he squeezed his eyes shut. Not because of the gel but because he was scared. He was beyond scared and he didn't want to admit that to Louis. He was scared Louis was going to leave again, he was scared that he would have to raise this baby by himself, he was scared that when this got too real, Louis wouldn't be able to handle it.

"Whoa," The doctor said looking at the image on the screen next to her. "Boys, I have some news. It's rare but it happens,"

"What is it?" Both said at the same time looking at the ultrasound.

"You see this right here?" She asked pointing at the screen.

"Why are there two babies?" Harry asked slightly panicking.

"As you can see, baby B was hiding behind baby A the entire time. You're having twins, which would explain why you're so big for 17 weeks," She said and Harry stared in disbelief.

Neither Louis or Harry said anything, both trying to fully understand what just happened.

"W-what? Twins?" Harry asked and she nodded.

"I guess it makes sense," Louis said. "Twins do run in my family," He said.

"You're okay with this?" Harry asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? I love you and I will love these babies just as much," He smiled and kissed Harry.

The doctor smiled, "Are you ready to find out the sex?"

"yes," Harry said and wiped the tear that fell down his cheek.

"Baby A is a boy," She said and Louis tried to hold back his tears and squeezed Harry's hands. He was lowkey hoping for a boy but no one has to know. "Baby B is a... girl!" She exclaimed.

"One of each," Harry smiled.

"I love you," Louis breathed out and hugged Harry. "I love you so much,"


"Louis please tell me where you're taking me," Harry said, trying not to lose his balance since he was blindfolded.

"Harry if you say one more word, I won't take these blindfolds off," He said and Harry closed his mouth making him chuckle a bit.

"I have a surprise for you," Louis smiled even though Harry couldn't see.

"What is it?" He asked, clearly impatient.

"Take off the blindfold," Louis said and Harry didn't take one more second before the blindfolds were coming off.

Temperamental Love (Larry Mpreg AU)Where stories live. Discover now