12. We need to talk

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"Harry!" Harry snapped out of a trance and almost fell off the chair when he realized that Paige was standing right in front of him.

"What's going on in that big head of yours?" She laughed and stood back up.

Harry shook his head, "nothing, what happened?"

"Someone's at the door, it's your house, go answer it," Paige said.

Harry rolled his eyes cause he knew she was just being lazy. He put on his shoes and went to the front door. He doesn't have a little hole in the door so you could see who was outside but he also didn't wanna look out the door for who it was so he just opened the door.

"You have got to be kidding me," he said in disbelief when he saw it was Louis standing on his doorstep. "How in the world did you know where I lived?"

"I asked around?" He said but it was more of a question.

"What do you want Louis?"

"Wow, you're not gonna let me in?" He tried to joke but stopped laughing when he saw Harry's expression was still blank.

"Please make this fast, what do you want?" Harry rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. Louis was the last person he wanted to see at the moment but he didn't wanna be entirely rude and just slam the door in his face.

"We need talk,"

Harry's face remained absolutely blank, "there is no we," he gestured between the two. "There's me Harry and you Louis," he pointed at the two and that made Louis laugh a little.

"Okay then me Louis" he pointed at himself, then at Harry, "and you Harry need to talk,"

Harry rolled his eyes and stepped out the door and closed it behind him. "Make it fast I have things to do," he lied cause, In reality, he was probably just gonna go watch game of thrones for the rest of the night since Bex was at his mom's.

"Okay," Louis sighed and rubbed his hands together. "Do I have a daughter?" He asked and just ripped off the band-aid.

Harry on the other hand just stood there reminiscing the words that just came out of Louis' mouth. "Um, why do you ask?" He asked Louis avoiding to answer the question.

"Because it's the only damn thing that makes sense in like forever," Louis said and ran his fingers through his hair. " just answer the question Harry, is Bexley, the little girl at the store, your daughter, my daughter?" He asked again but this time, he was completely serious.

Harry looked everywhere around him but Louis' face and answered truthfully, "yes," He said and gave Louis a moment to process what he just learned.

Louis' eyes widened cause he couldn't believe his ears, I mean sure he had a feeling that she was his daughter but now it's been confirmed and he didn't really know how to take it. "What? How? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked Harry and now it was Harry's turn to do the laughing.

"Are you serious?" He asked in disbelief. "Oh I probably didn't tell you because you left me with no warning, no way to contact you, you just packed up and left Louis. If that wasn't a clear sign you wanted nothing to do with me then I don't know what was," Harry was mad cause Louis had no right to come over to his house and blame him for everything that happened between them.

"Are you seriously blaming me for not telling me I have a freaking daughter?"

I didn't tell you because you don't have a daughter Louis!" Harry said angrily. "She is my daughter and mine only. I carried her for nine months, I changed the dirty diapers, I fed her. I'm the one who helps her when she's sick. I'm the one who kisses her boo-boos when she has an accident. I'm the one who loves her more than anything in the entire world. She is MY daughter. You don't get to come here and act like a father Louis. I won't fucking stand for it." Harry yelled.

"How did you know that I wanted nothing to do with her? You had no right to make that choice for me Harry!" He asked and Harry stayed silent for a while before answering.

"I didn't make that choice for you! You did when you fucking left me, Louis," his face was red with anger. It was taking everything he had in him to not just step forward and slap the shit out of Louis. "You left without saying goodbye Louis. You fucking left so you don't get to back here and act as if nothing happened. What did you want me to do? Chase after you like a fucking dog?"

"I'm saying that you could've found a way to get in contact with me,"

Harry laughed bitterly, "Try to get in contact with the famous movie star, Louis Tomlinson? You honestly weren't even worth it,"

"Harry, I'm sorry okay?" And there were the words Harry wanted to hear. Ten years. Ten years he spent crying over Louis and all he ever wanted to hear was that he was sorry for what he did. And now that he's heard the words, it didn't magically make everything better. Louis had to prove that he was sorry not just say it.

"And why should I believe you?"

"Cause I fucking love you! I loved you then and I still fucking love you now," he yelled with nothing but sincerity in his voice.

Harry's facial expressions finally changed from anger to blank again. "Well, that's a bummer because I have nothing but pure hatred for you," He lied. He knew he was lying but a small part of him hoping he wasn't. But he was lying.

Louis backed up a little, "if that's how you feel," he said and went to walk away but stopped and turned back, "no, I wanna be in her life, Harry. I have the right to be,"

"Louis please leave," Harry said looking everywhere but at Louis, trying to avoid eye contact. "I'm not trying to do this now, please? Not now," he said sadly. He could feel the tears prickling on the corner of his eyes but fought them.

"Alright," Louis said and honestly he was very hurt. He wanted to be a part of that little girl's life not that he knew about her. The last thing he wanted to do was walk out on a child like his dad did to him. He had the money and could help with anything he just wanted a chance to prove himself, but he also has to respect Harry's wishes. "I'm staying at my mom's until Friday, then I'm heading up to London. So you know where to find me," he said then walked away.

Harry was still standing by the door after he left. He watched Louis' car leave the driveway and that's when he finally let the tears fall. Why was this happening? Why now? Just why?

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