11. You're famous

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So before I started writing this story I imagined Bexley as McKenna Grace because of how I imagined the character like Louis and Harry's daughter. Her personality is a lot like both Harry and Louis but mostly Louis and her blue eyes again Louis. And I wanted her to have blond hair so. And if you've seen her in the movie Gifted or in fuller house you'll understand what I mean by her personality but yeah I really like her she's a great stress and Bexley is my fave character in this.



"Okay, Bex what's next on the list?" Harry asked his daughter while pushing the shopping cart around the grocery store and Bexley was holding the grocery list.

"Okay next we need ice cream," she said and Harry laughed cause he knew Ice cream was the last one the list and they weren't even halfway done. "Vegetable aisle it is," he said.

They were coming from her dentist appointment and Harry decided to go grocery shopping since his mom was coming over for dinner that night and he needed to cook. "Now it's time for Ice cream," Harry said when he was done with the list and Bex smiled widely and ran to get the ice cream.

She wasn't really looking where she was going and accidentally bumped into someone at the store and fell. "Oh my God, are you okay?" The man asked her and she nodded.

"Bexley?!" Harry came running towards them and picked his daughter up from the floor. Still not noticing the person standing in front of them.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm sorry sir," She turned to the man and said politely, "wait aren't you Louis Tomlinson?" She gasped and that's when Harry turned around.

"Yes, and who might you be?" He asked her nicely. He, on the other hand, noticed Harry since the moment he came running towards the little girl but didn't say anything.

"I'm Bexley, and you're famous," she giggled making Harry clear his throat.

"Hello Louis," he said uncomfortably.

"Wait, dad, you know him?" She asked wide-eyed and Louis gasped.

"D-dad?" He whispered and Harry nodded.

"Okay Bex it's time to go, say bye to the nice man," Harry said and grabbed the shopping cart.

"Bye Mr. Tomlinson," she waved and started walking in front of Harry. Harry paid for the groceries and left the store as fast as possible.

Louis stood in the same aisle at the store for about a full five minutes still trying to understand what he just heard. Was Harry a dad? But how? Was he married? And the little girl looked no older than eleven or twelve. Was she ten maybe? And that's when it hit Louis. He wasn't sure about his theory but it might be true.


"Dad are you okay?" Harry turned around and saw Bex walking in the kitchen and sat down on one of the kitchen stools.

"Yeah honey why do you ask?" He tried his hardest to smile but couldn't.

Bexley shrugged and said, "you seem weird lately and sad. I don't like it when you're sad,"

Harry's heart melted at what she said, "I promise I'm okay, and if anything's wrong I'll tell you okay Bubba?" Harry kissed her forehead then both her cheeks making her giggle. "Now go help me set the table then go take a bath okay? Nana will be here any second,"

"Okay," she said and hopped off the stool and left the kitchen.

The doorbell rang not so long after Bex left. Harry sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day and went to open the door. He was met with his mother's warm smile and open arms.

"Oh honey, I heard," Anne said and hugged her son. Harry hugged her back and at that moment, the tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"Mom it's not fair," he sobbed on his mom's shoulder. "He doesn't get to come back after all these years and act as if nothing happened, it's not fair,"

Anne rubbed his back and whispered soothing words to him trying to calm him down, "I know sweetie I know. Why don't we go inside?" She said and broke the hug between them. She wiped his tears and kissed his forehead. "It's gonna be okay Harry I'm here,"

She closed the door behind her and followed Harry into the kitchen. "Why don't you let me take over," she said referring to the food Harry was cooking and he nodded. "Alright honey have a seat and talk to me,"

Harry took a seat on one of the stools and faced his mother who was on the other side finishing the lasagna he was making. "I just hate him, mum, I hate him so much but he's my weakness," he admitted to his mom who just nodded and continued listening. "I saw him today, I've seen him twice in two days actually," he said.

"What happened?" She asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing really, he just acted like nothing happened," Harry frowned. "He met Bex today," he whispered and that's what caught Anne's attention.

"Did you tell him?"

"Tell him what mom?! That he abandoned me ten years ago and later found out I was pregnant with his child? Tell him that I've kept her a secret from him all those years? Tell him that as much as I want to hate him, I still love him? Oh mom I still love him, even after all these years," he started sobbing even harder and that's when Anne went around the counter and wrapped her arms around him.

"Shhh, Harry it's okay I'm sorry I ask," she said still trying to soothe him but he only cried harder.

"Daddy?" Bexley whispered as she stepped into the kitchen with wide eyes. "Dad are you okay?" She asked.

"Bex baby, daddy's not feeling well right now, would you mind waiting in your room until dinners done? I'll call you down," she said and Bex nodded and ran up to her room.

Harry let go of his mom and wiped his tears, "I can't be like this mom, I have to be strong. Not for me but for her," he said referring to Bexley and his mom nodded.

"I understand honey, go to her," she smiled and he got up and went upstairs to Bexley's room. He knocked on the door and when he got no answer, he opened the door slowly and the sight in front of him was truly heartbreaking. Bex was lying down on her side clutching her pillow while tears streamed down her face.

"Bex, what's wrong sweetie?" Harry walked quickly to her bed and sat down. He pushed a strand of her blond hair away from her face and rubbed her cheek with his thumb. Her eyes were clutched shut probably to avoid any more tears.

"N-nothing," she hiccuped, eyes still closed.

"Oh sweetie please talk to me," he said sadly and her eyes finally opened. Harry was met with those big blue beautiful eyes of hers and that made him smile a little.

"I don't like it when you're sad, it makes me sad," she hiccuped and wrapped her arms around her dad's neck. "I love you," she said, tears were still streaming down her face like a waterfall.

"I love you so much sweetheart you have no idea how much I love you," Harry said sadly and hugged his daughter.

"Really?" She said and Harry nodded.

"Of course," He smiled at her and finally got a smile out of her. "Me and you against the world Bub,"

"Pinky promise?" She asked.

"Pinky promise," Harry linked their pinkies.

"Please don't be sad, dad," she said.

"As long as my little girl loves me, I'll be the happiest person in the world," he said honestly. "We can't keep Nana down there by herself all night now can we?" He said and Bex giggled and shook her head.

"Give me a piggyback ride downstairs?" She grinned and Harry of course agreed.

"Dad I want a horse," Bexley said as they walked down the stairs.

"Yeah that's a talk for another time, Bex," He chuckled while his daughter dramatically groaned.

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