10. Dinner and a movie

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"Bexley! Come down for breakfast!" Harry yelled from the bottom of the stairs and watched his daughter running down while putting on her jacket. Her hair was a mess and she had a hairbrush with her so Harry could fix it. "Wait what happened to the clothes I picked out for you?" Harry asked her when he realized that she wasn't wearing the long jeans but instead she was wearing tights with a skirt on top of it.

"I have dance practice today after school, remember? I don't wanna spend forever changing," She said and took a seat on one of the kitchen stools. "Where's my project?"

"In the car and hurry we only have 10 minutes before we have to leave," Harry said and handed her a plate of eggs and bacon. He then grabbed the hairbrush and the hair tie next to her and started brushing her hair. "Ponytail or bun?" He asked her.

"A bun please," and Harry nodded. He'd been doing this for years so he was kinda like a professional hair stylist now. He sometimes did the hair of all the girls in her dance class.

"Okay all done," he said and gave her the brush, "are you done eating?" He asked her and she nodded. "Okay honey go brush your teeth and take the hairbrush with you,"

She went back upstairs and left Harry in the kitchen to clean up before they both left. When she came down she grabbed her bag and headed out with Harry behind her. "Who's taking me to practice today dad, you or Aunt Paige?" She asked her dad as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Your Aunt is picking you up from school and dropping you off to practice and I'm picking you up from practice okay?" She nodded and reached to the front to open the car radio. "We're going to Nana's tomorrow?"

Harry looked in the back as he started driving, "no she's coming over for dinner tomorrow night cause you have a dentist appointment in the morning remember?" Harry asked and she groaned.

"Don't remind me please?" She fake cried and Harry laughed at his daughter. Bexley was honestly his entire world, he loved his daughter more than anything in the world. It used to be hard to look at her shining blue eyes when she was first born but now he finds comfort and home in them.

"We're here sweetie, you need help with your project?" He asked her but she shook her head. "Give me my goodbye kiss," She reached over and kissed her dad's cheek before putting on her backpack and grabbing her project. "Love you bub have a great day at school," he waved to her.

"Love you more daddy. Bye!" Harry waited for her to get all the way inside the school then left for work. He owned a small animal clinic about five minutes away from Bexley's school. So it didn't take long for him to get there. Once he did, he greeted his assistant at the front desk, grabbed his coat and went to the back to his office. It was a slow day since it was a weekday. They only got lots of patients on weekends.

Two hours went by and still no patient, so he was doing paperwork instead. "Dr. Styles you have a patient," his assistant Maggie told him and he smiled and he'll be right out.

He fixed the papers on his desk and headed out. He couldn't really see the person's face cause their back was turned to him but he did recognize the dog on the floor. It's was the Tomlinson's old dog. Harry dropped his clipboard once the person turned around.

Louis Tomlinson.

Harry knew he came back after being gone for over ten years but the town wasn't that small and he was praying to never run into him.

"Harry," he whispered like he couldn't believe his eyes.

Harry quickly picked up his clipboard and walked towards the dog trying to avoid as much eye contact with Louis as possible. "So you're really back in town," Harry said calmly while rubbing the dog's belly.

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