2. A dork you wanna date

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"So what's up with you and Louis?" Harry's eyes widened at Paige's question and almost choked on his pizza.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh don't act all dumb with me, Harry. You like Louis and he likes you so what's going on?" She said and Harry put a hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"Paige we're in the cafeteria," he whispered. "Lower your voice please?" He said and she nodded. He removed his hand and sighed. "I do like him, and I think he likes me but I have no idea what's going on. I even took him to my special spot yesterday,"

"No way! You wouldn't even let me see it," Paige said in disbelief. "Damn you must really like him," she said and Harry nodded.

"Well If he's not gonna make a move you need to," she shrugged and Harry liked the idea.

"Ask him out?"

Paige nodded, "when do you see him again?" She asked.

"He's helping me with homework later, ask him then?"

"Yes, and good luck," she patted his head and left the cafeteria. She, of course, left her tray for Harry to throw away for her like always.


"I got it, Mom!" The doorbell rang and Harry ran towards the door to open it revealing Louis standing outside. "Hi Lou," he smiled and Louis smiled back.

"Hey Haz," that was his nickname for Harry. They both decided that if Harry was gonna have a nickname for him, he needed one for Harry also.

"Come on in," Harry said and stepped aside so Louis could walk in.

Harry closed the door behind them and right then, Anne walked in. "Oh Harry, who's this young man?" She smiled at Louis.

"mum that's Louis, he's here to help me with my Physics homework,"

"Hi," Louis waved shyly at her.

"Well honey I'm Anne, Harry's mother and if you guys need anything to eat or drink just let me know okay?" She said and the boys nodded. Harry grabbed Louis hand and took him upstairs.

"Your mum's nice," Louis said as he got to Harry's room.

"She's only nice when my friends are over," Harry chuckled and sat down on his bed patted the seat next to him for Louis to sit.

"Should we start?" He asked and Harry nodded and got his backpack.

"But before we do, Louis I have something to ask you," he said nervously and Louis motioned for him to continue. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?"

Louis smiled so wide that you could see his white teeth perfectly. "I was gonna ask you the same thing today," he laughed.

"No way," Harry said.

Louis took out a piece of paper and showed it to Harry. It was a rehearsal speech of how he was gonna do it. Harry started laughing while reading the piece of paper. "You're such a dork,"

"A dork you wanna date," Louis said back and Harry agreed. "Well, you asked me, so I'm planning the date okay?" Louis said.

"Wait isn't like the person who asks you has to plan it?"

"Well you beat me to the question, so I'm planning the date. I'm picking you up tomorrow at six so be ready by then okay?" Louis smiled and Harry swore he could explode in excitement at that moment. But he played it cool cause he's cool like that. No, he's not.

He squealed and kissed Louis' cheek catching him off guard. "I can't wait,"

"I can tell," Louis said while looking at Harry with nothing but fondness in his eyes.



It was the day of their date and Louis blindfolded Harry cause he wanted it to be a surprise. They stepped out the car and into what felt like grass, "Louis where am I?" Harry laughed and waved his hands around trying to touch something and have an idea of where they were but all he touched was air.

"We're almost there Haz. I don't wanna ruin the surprise," he said and grabbed Harry's hand to walk him to their destination.

"I feel like you kidnapped me and now you're about to sell me to sex traffickers," Harry joked but then turned around. "You're not are you?" He was serious and Louis realized that.

"Of course not, now take off the blindfold," he said and Harry did as told. He took it off and instantly gasped at the sight in front of him. They were on the field. Harry's special spot but there was also a very nice and romantic picnic on the ground for the two.

"Louis, you did all this?" He asked with teary eyes. No one has ever done anything like this for him before so yeah he was a tad emotional.

Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, "I did, do you like it?" He asked and Harry nodded. Of course, he liked it. He loved it. If Louis did it, it's amazing and he loves it.

"I love it," he smiled. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome, now let's eat,"


"Okay if you could have any superpower, what would it be?" Harry asked Louis while feeding on a box of chocolates. They were still on the field on their date, but they were currently laying down on the blanket and watching the stars.

"Um, I think invisibility. Cause like I could go anywhere and do anything without people seeing me unless I want them to," Louis explained while Harry just listened to his beautiful voice talking. He turned to Harry and played with his hair making him purr like a cute little kitten.

"I like when you do that," he giggled cutely and Louis just wanted to kiss the hell out of him cause he was too cute.

"Can I kis-" Louis was about to ask but was cut off by a pair of lips on his own. Harry got off his back and climbed on top of Louis was still on the ground, still not breaking the kiss. He was hungry, more specifically hungry for Louis' lips, body, everything. He bit down on Louis' lips asking for access which Louis granted. He sucked on his bottom lip making him moan a little. "You're so hot," Louis whispered.

Harry reached up and pulled him down to him, and the rest of his words were lost against his mouth. He kissed him gently and carefully, but he didn't want gentleness, not now, not after all this time, and he knotted his fists in his shirt, pulling him harder against him. Louis groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled around Harry, gathering him against him, and they rolled over on the grass, tangled together, still kissing.

After Louis rolled them over and got on top, Harry tugged on Louis shirt to take it off. Louis pulled the shirt off and tossed it somewhere on the ground then Harry pulled them down so they can continue their kiss.

"Lou-" Harry moaned loudly while Louis kissed the left side of his mouth, then continued all the way to his neck. He moaned even louder when Louis found his sweet spot and started sucking on it. Harry's hand found his way through Louis' hair and started pulling on it while Louis kissed back to his lips.

"Louis please I need you," Harry breathed while their lips parted.

"Are you sure? I didn't bring a condom or lube," He said unsure but Harry shook his head.

"I don't care, please I need you," He whined and of course Louis nodded. All he wanted to do was to pleasure Harry however he wanted it.

"Okay," he kissed Harry again before the clothes were coming off. You already know what happened next.

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