6. Good or bad news?

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It has been a week and Harry was still not feeling well. He was constantly throwing up, had really bad stomach aches and his entire body hurt. His mom was really worried about him so that's why they were currently at Harry's doctor getting the boy checked out.

"Harry will you please stop bouncing your leg up and down," Anne said with a sigh and ran her hand through her son's curls. "I know you don't like the hospital love, but we need to get you checked out,"

"I know mum," Harry mumbled and stopped fidgeting but started biting his nails out of habit. "What do you think's wrong with me?"

Anne gave him a reassuring smile, "I'm sure it's just a small virus okay? Nothing to worry about,"

The doctor walked in less than a minute later, greeting both Harry and Anne. She was a middle age woman, with short brown hair and her name was Delilah. She told Harry to call her Dr. D. "So, what brought you in here today Mr. Styles," the middle-aged lady smiled sweetly at him before putting on her medical gloves and getting a clipboard from the door.

"He's been having a lot of stomach pains and he won't stop throwing up," Anne answered for her son and Harry was really glad because he honestly did not feel like talking.

"Anything else other than stomach pains? No fevers, headaches?" She asked while writing something down on her clipboard.

"I get headaches sometimes yeah, but no fevers," Harry said.

The doctor hummed before walking to the counter in the room to grab a cup. She handed it to Harry and told him she needed a urine sample so Harry went t the bathroom attached to the room and came back with one. "I will submit this for testing then I'll be back, kay harry?" She smiled sweetly at him before walking out.

"Mummy... I'm scared," Harry swallowed a lump in his throat and looked at his mother who was sitting across from him on a chair in the room.

"There's no reason to be Harry. I'm sure it's just the stomach flu," Anne said once again but for some reason, Harry didn't think it was just some stomach flu.

The doctor came back shortly after with a look on her face that Harry couldn't quite make out. "what is it, Dr. D? Am I gonna die?" He whispered.

She shook her head fast before walking up to Harry. "No, you're not dying Harry," She chuckled lightly.

"What's wrong with him?" Anne asked.

"Well," The doctor started before taking a pause. "You guys have heard about male pregnancy and how it's becoming more frequent. Nowadays one in three hundred males are able to get pregnant," She stated.

"W-What are you saying?" Harry asked in shock.

"I don't know if it's good or bad news Harry but you're pregnant," The doctor said.

Harry was at a lost for words. He looked at his mom then at the doctor. His mom was just as speechless as he was and the doctor seemed to be waiting for a reaction.

"You're about seven weeks along Harry. I'll give you two a little more privacy but ill be back in while with pamphlets for you about what you want to do okay?" She said and Harry was able to give her a weak nod in response before she left the room.

Harry broke down and the room was filled with heart-wrenching sobs shortly after. Anne got up from her seat and went to comfort her son. "Oh H. My beautiful baby boy," She started sobbing also.

"I'm sorry, mummy," He sobbed into Anne's chest. "I'm so sorry,"

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart. There's nothing to be sorry for. You and Louis made a mistake not using protection, it's okay," She said while rubbing circles on her son's back. Harry's heart clenched at the mention of Louis' name as he started crying harder.

"I don't want this. I'm too young to have a baby," Harry said as he pulled away from the hug. "I'm not even done with school yet mum. I can't raise a baby by myself,"

"What do you mean by yourself? You really think I won't help you?" Anne asked, sounding a little hurt. "H, look at me. Whatever choice you make, whether you decide to keep the baby or not, I will be with you every step of the way. I am your mother and ill be dammed if I ever let anything bad happen to you," Anne said with tears in her eyes.

"Mum..." Harry sobbed before kissing her cheek. "I don't know what I'm gonna do yet," Harry said truthfully.

"And that's completely understandable." Anne nodded. "But honey, I love you so much and I will always be here for you,"

"I know," Harry said with a small smile. He really did have the best mum in the world.

The doctor came in shortly after and gave Harry a bunch of pamphlets and prescriptions for prenatal vitamins since he was a little underweight. Harry didn't want an ultrasound so they were headed home fast after another appointment was rescheduled for the week after.

When Harry got home, he immediately locked himself inside his room and started crying. He was pregnant. He was gonna have a baby, not just any baby, Louis' baby. The boy he loved more than anything. The boy who left him and broke his heart into a million pieces. Why were those things happening to him?

He sobbed into his pillow, shaking violently wishing that Louis was there to calm him down. But he wasn't. He probably never would see Louis again. Then the thought hit Harry. If he had this baby, he or she would probably look just like Louis. Harry couldn't bear the thought of bringing something into this world that would bring him nothing but pain.

"I hate you," Harry whispered as if someone was in the room with him. "I fucking hate you," He kept whispering those words over and over again before he fell asleep, dreaming of a world with Louis in it then waking up only to be extremely disapointed.

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