9. Better late than never

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I love Lilo so much omgggg

*9 year's later*

"Louis I can't believe you're doing this again," Liam sighed as he took a seat on across from Louis on his private jet.

Louis looked up from his phone. "It's not like I need the money, Liam. I truly do think I've earned a break. Don't you?" Louis asked.

"I know you work hard Lou, but this is the chance to star in a movie alongside Will Smith. It will be huge for you,"

"Liam I love you and all but no. I told you I'm taking a break and going back to England," Louis said with a sigh.

"And why do you suddenly wanna go to London all of the sudden? Your family always visited you in LA. They still can,"

Louis looked out the window before looking at Liam again. "I just have some unfinished business there. I have something to take care of."

"Can I know about this unfinished business? Seeing as I'm your manager and best friend," Liam said.

Louis chuckled, "Don't let Bebe hear you say that,"

"Oh please, I've known you longer than her. I'm your best friend. " Liam laughed. "But seriously Lou. It's that Harry lad isn't it?"

Louis nodded slowly. "I just feel like I need to see him again Liam. I need to apologize to him,"

"After ten years?" Liam asked.

"Better late than never right?"


Harry stepped out of his car and put on his sunglasses. He walked up to the grocery store and grabbed a shopping cart before going inside. He took out his phone to check what he needed to buy and as he was doing so, he heard chatter basically all over the store.

Sure there was always gossip going around. Whether someone got a parking ticket or a DUI. Or some teacher slept with a student or a husband cheated, it would be all that was talked about for a week before it blows over. It was a small town, what else did they have to entertain themselves?

Harry was never one to gossip but it was always nice to be in the known. He kept shopping while minding his own business. Once he got everything he needed, he headed up to pay. He went to his favorite cashier, Debra. She was a middle age woman, with two kids and was a sweetheart.

"Hey Debs," He smiled.

"Hey, Harry. How ar you today?" She smiled while ringing up the items.

"I'm good and you?" He asked t which she replied well also. "If you don't mind me asking, what's the new gossip around town this week. Did Mr. Simmons finally realize that his wife is cheating on him," Harry chuckled and Debra let out a laugh?

"Not yet. But you seriously don't know?" She asked Harry who shook his head.

"The Tomlinson boy is back in town. You know the one who made it big?" She smiled and Harry dropped his wallet on the floor.

"L-Lo-" He tried but couldn't even say his name.

"Louis," DShe smiled and just the mention of his name had harry weak to his knees almost falling on the floor of the supermarket.

It couldn't have been. No way. Louis was gone. He left. Harry never wanted to hear that name for as long as he lived but there they were.

Louis came back and Harry's world was about to flip upside down.

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