Clay (2)

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"You're a nerd," I proclaimed and Clay shrugged. He couldn't help but grin from ear-to-ear at the thought of finally having an actual date. 

              Of course you two had been on dates. Bike dates, riding home from work, or study dates when Clay was worried about a test, or 'help clean up the theater' dates, but you had never had an actual date. Hannah reran one of the early movies for you two and you had the entire theater to yourself. When you walked into the cold theater Clay had already picked your seats. Two chairs in the middle of the middle row. 

               The ads took forever, it seemed like they'd never stop. Probably because Hannah was the one controlling them so she played as many as possible, but then you remembered when you and Hannah had talked about this night. 

"Ads are good kissing times," she stated, filling a cup with root beer. 

"No ads are awkward moments of business," I argued, tossing a Twinkie at her.

"Are you trying to make me fat?" She asked, half offended, half joking. I only shrugged, trying to imagine kissing with Clay in a theater by ourselves. 

                   I imagined him randomly grabbing my cheek and us making out all through the ads, and the popcorn falling out of our lap and him cursing that he'll clean it up later. I imagined us getting lost and forgetting to watch the movie. I winced at the thought.  It wasn't that I didn't want to kiss Clay in an empty theater all night, but it was that Clay was Clay and we didn't have that kind of relationship. 

                 We had the relationship where I borrowed his hoodies and he borrowed my books. It was the relationship where we talked for hours about the movie we had just watched and hated the same characters. I mean, we weren't the cliche teenager couple, but we were what each other needed and wanted, so it worked out pretty well. I decided to explain the daydream to Hannah who's response was:

"He isn't that big of a loser," She persuaded, pushing some Twinkie bits back onto the yellow, spongey cake. 

"I didn't mean it like that, I just meant I wouldn't make out with him. Or at least not now," I responded, focusing back on the Twinkie

After thirty minutes of the same ad, I knew Hannah was up to something. 

"Weird," Clay mumbled. I only nodded. Honestly, I had no idea was the movie was, nor did I care. I just wanted a date with my boyfriend. I lay my head on his shoulder and his whole buddy shakes in a chuckle. I felt a light peck on the top of my head. 

 Geez Hannah really did know how to make him kiss me, I thought. 

          Without thinking, or without knowing what I was doing, I kissed him. I  wish the feeling was that simple. I kissed him. It was a simple sentence, but not such a simple feeling. Our lips collided and it felt like two completely different planets thudding together, making one explosion of cold gases and hot air and different rocks flew around the universe. At first, he didn't kiss back,, but then he did. It wasn't that simple either. 

"Damn, Hannah really sets up bad dates," Clay jokes, pulling away. 

"Seriously, who's gonna listen to the same ad over and over. We'd have to find another way to entertain ourselves, I mean it was boring," I attempt on flirting. He laughs and kisses me gently. 

"Hannah Baker is the worst," Clay chimes. I love the way his voice sounds, like it could drown me and envelope me into a whole new world. 

"Fuck Hannah Baker, " I riot, smiling cheerfully at him. The theater wasn't as cold anymore, like his heat was crushing into mine. 

"Yeah," Clay yelled, standing up. 

"Fuck Hannah Baker," I yelled, throwing popcorn at the screen. Clay chuckles and cups my face in his hands, kissing me again. 

I could get used to actual dates. 

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