Alex (9)

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100th part woo hoo!!!
             The lights in the music hall were bright on the stage, forcing the musicians to sweat absentmindedly. You shuffled into a seat, your sister Skye and her friend Clay behind you. You rested into the seat and stared down at yourself.
                You wore a black dress and (I'm tired of using converse so put whatever you want for your shoes, I don't care if it's twinkle toes). You quickly regretted the decision as you realized it was freezing in the audience and the only source of heat was the lights that flashed to the stage. 
                 An older man stepped onto the stage, explaining that everyone was here to see a jazz band concert, that there was no recording and to only clap once the conductor has stepped down from the podium. Soon a small, Latino women stepped onto the stage and began conducting the young musicians, one being your boyfriend, Alex Standall.
                    You were getting lost in the music, tapping your foot to the beat of Alex's guitar. You found yourself air playing  your imaginary (insert whatever musical instrument you want). You were in jazz band last year but had quit when you began stressing over school too much to handle the practices. Luckily, you met Alex before you quit.
                     There was a pause in the music, a moment of suspense, one that caught your breath and made you sit on the edge of your seat, taking the breath away from you. Someone clapped. Your eyes shot open as you scowled at them, but once the music started again you were back in the trance. After a few more songs they let the musicians pack up as the conductor said a few words.
                       Once everything was said and done, you rushed to meet Alex on stage, pushing a dozen flowers into his hands. He gleaned happily at you and kissed your cheek.
"You didn't have to go through all this trouble," he assures.
"I wanted to," you proclaim.
"Picture!" Skye yelled, holding her old Polaroid up to face you two.
                  Alex smiled towards the camera, one arm wrapped around you and the other wrapped around his flowers. You had your foot dipped in the air as you kissed his cheek sweetly. The Polaroid was perfect. So perfect that it stayed on you and Alex's fridge and you two laughed about it to this day.

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