Zach (5)

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It was a normal weekend, you were at Bryce's (over popular demand not for the fact that it was Bryce's) with Zach, your best friend, and her boyfriend. You and Zach had gone swimming with the rest of the gang, subtract Alex,and you and Ella, your best friend was now challenging you to a game of chess.

She was really terrible at the game, she never watches to make sure no one is taking her pieces, only moves to take yours. Your bishop was perfectly in line with her queen, when she used her knight to take your pawn. You slid your piece across the board.

"How dare you steal the queen!" Ella exclaimed, trying to flip the board, but it had been painted to the table and she was pointlessly just waving her arms near the pieces.

"I'll take your queen if I want," you sassed, thinking out your next move will she still whined.

"No you can't!" She growled as she moved her knight again.

"Bitch, yes I can I am the queen!" You yelped, taking her king.

Zach was cackling next to Monty, and you had just realized your boyfriend watched the whole incident. He walked over, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your cheek with a chuckle.
"My queen that is."

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