Jeff (6)

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"Save it, Jeff!" You screamed, pushing through the crowd.
"Why don't you believe me?" He yelled back, chasing after you.
"Because you won't deny it!" Your voice crackled as you screamed.
"I'm your ride home!"
"I'll walk!"
                    You bust through the doors, trying hard not to concentrate on what had just happened. You walked away from Jeff for five seconds to go get him a drink and he comes back lip-locked with some other girl. He said that he thought it was you, but you didn't believe him. You two had completely different hair color.
                          He was drunk, he wouldn't do that to you. Don't take it personally, that wasn't him, you try to persuade yourself. He won't remember it by morning. With that you started bawling, falling onto the sidewalk. He won't remember it by morning and you would remember it for months and months on end.
                            Tears kept falling down your cheeks, a lump forming in your throats and knots tightening in your stomach. You held your head in your hands and sat there, wishing you had never agree to come to the party. Maybe he would've hid it from you if hadn't. Maybe that was better than knowing. It would've been better than sitting on the sidewalk, bawling.
                             Your phone vibrated and you reached into your pocket. Clay (Stone) it read and you gave off a small smile. Clay had been your friend for a couple of years now and you knew he would make you feel better.
"Hello?" You answered trying to hide the fact you'd been crying.
"Why'd Jeff leave?" Clay asked panting.
"What do you mean?" You replied, your voice hardening.
"Has no one told you?"
"Told me what?!" You yelled, body now stiff. Of course Jeff did something else. Right when you thought it couldnt get worse.
"Jeff left the party early, said he needed to look for someone who left early. He got into a car wreck. Y/N, he didn't make it," Clay explained sympathetically.
"You're pranking me." My heart was pounding through my chest and I was sure Clay could hear it through the phone.
"I'm sorry."
                                   You slammed your phone on the concrete furiously and sprinted towards your house, never ending tears burning your cheeks. If only I hadn't agreed to go to that party.

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