Zach (9)

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  And I want to tell you everything

The words I never got to say the first time around  

                        The smooth road crunched under my feet cautiously as I peered up to meet her eyes. I thought a road trip in Summer would make me forget about how beautiful she is and how I've liked her since I met her. I thought it would make me forget how she looks perfect on the bleachers of every basketball game, but the thoughts always rushed back to me. 

                       She laughed at something her older brother, Clay, said as Hannah hopped up on her back. She tapped her toes to a random beat, her hair swirling as she did so. Hannah chuckled at her and she smiled, a smile that could captivate the whole world, it surely captivated my world. Justin's hand clapped on my back. 

"C'mon, the movie is gonna start," He called as I shrugged and followed after. 

                        The whole movie I couldn't help but think of her at the concession stand, her hair loose across her uniform and her eyes bright. I couldn't help but turn my head at the sound of a door, as if she'd run in and confess that she loved me as much as I loved her, but I doubted that she knew my name. Or, maybe she knew it for the wrong reasons, she was Hannah's best friend and I wasn't exactly helpful to Hannah. 

                        I couldn't help but wish I had ran up and told her. Told her how much I loved her and told her I didn't mean to hurt Hannah, that I was sorry and I'd show her by taking her to a nice restaurant or a good movie or something. Anything. I wish I had the chance to show her that I was different and maybe Hannah would forgive me. Maybe things could be better now. 

 That was then though. 

  And I remember everything

From when we were the children playing in this fairground

Wish I was there with you now  

                           Now she stalked down the hallways, dark circles around her eyes and her hair more frizzy than normal. She hadn't been to a basketball game in a while and she had quit her job. Some days she skipped school, to do what I don't know, some days she came and didn't listen, and other days it seemed like she wasn't even there. I guess it had hit her pretty hard, I didn't blame her, they were best friends.  

                            She had found Hannah. Hannah was supposed to be having a sleep over when she went to Bryce's, when Hannah went to her house she didn't give Y/N the time to notice she had walked in, she went straight to the tub. At the first sound of her cries Y/N banged on the doors, begging for Hannah to let her in. It didn't work though, she had pried the doors open to see a bloody bath tub and her best friend, gone. 

                                Most people were scared of her now, like she'd be the next to break. That one day she'd start screaming like a banshee and drink a cup of bleach with her breakfast. Another teenager gone. She slumped down hallways and gave short-ended conversations. She had also started giving an attitude to teachers, like they were to blame. I wished I could be there for her. It seemed like she was taking it harder than anyone, her weight quickly decreasing and the circles under her eyes quickly increasing. 

                                 The team had started making bets on when she'd break or just leave town, as if it were an embarrassment to be the girl who knew Hannah Baker. I knew she heard them, people had started leaving notes in her locker or just telling her to her face, but they never did anything. She had only been to the counselor's once the whole year, it didn't seem like she wanted any help. 

   If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you

Drive highways and byways to be there with you                             

                               I wished I had told her when I had the chance, maybe I could help her now. I could be the shoulder to cry on or the person to defend her, but if I tried anything now I'd get a sharp glare from those beautiful eyes of hers. She still seemed to take my breath away, even in the storm that was held above our heads. 

                                I knew I'd do anything for her, still. I wouldn't care what kind of letters I'd get in my locker, she was the girl who made me weak to my knees and everyone knew. I'd do anything in the world for her. I would dance   a million songs with her, I'd go to a thousand parties with her and I'd spend hours with her, but I cant. I can't do that after what I did to Hannah, and karma was being a bitch. I was sure she had heard the tapes from the way she looked at me. 

                                 I wanted the girl of my dreams, but she was too busy having nightmares of the past. I wanted to help her get to the future but she was too busy trying to stop before the future came. I wanted her but she was too busy hating me for all the right reasons. 

  Over and over the only truth

Everything comes back to you  

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