Tony Headcanons

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childhood headcanon:

Tony's mom loved watching his dad work on cars before she died and that's why Tony loves cars so much. He never tells his dad no to working on a car in a way to make his mom proud. 

Good Day Headcanon:

On a good day Tony won't mind taking you somewhere, passing notes in class and joking around at lunch. On these days you could simply wink at him and he'd start laughing

Bad Day Headcanon:

Tony never wanted people to know he was having a bad day when he was having one. He usually avoided people, never started conversations and never took you home from school. 

Future Headcanon:

 Tony really wants to find a small town somewhere and settle down. He'll provide for his family through being a mechanic, but he thinks he can handle a life that isn't so exciting, a calm life.  

Cuddle Headcanon:

Tony usually didn't like cuddling that much, so you two would intertwine legs and hold hands. If he really wanted to know you were there he'd put his arm around you. 

Random Headcanon:

Tony loves milkshakes, a lot so every date you two go on he gets a different type of milkshake and you two rate it. He also loves to get the whipped cream on your nose, he likes when you get annoyed about it. 

Compliment Headcanon:

He was really subtle with his compliments, he'd put them into conversation and you wouldn't realize he had complimented you until later on and he'd be super happy when you'd text him a thank you. 

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