Alex (5) part 2

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Someone wanted a part two so here it is, this time in Alex's POV. Again I apologize in advance😂😂😂
            It had been a week since I had tricked my girlfriend to coming over to my house. It'd been a week since I killed my girlfriend. I had watched enough movies to know what to do with the body. I bleached it and hid it in the creek, hoping no one would realize she was missing, but soon the news got out and my dad was on the case.
"Wasn't she your girlfriend?" He asked one night.
"Yeah, but we were going through a tough time," I lied.
"You'll have to be questioned, kiddo," he muttered, ruffling up my hair.

           The room was cold and dimly lit. I knew I was gonna have to lie my way out of this. Why did I kill her? I shook the thought off quickly when the detective came into the room.
"How are you today, Alex?" She asked in a firm voice.
"Fine," I groaned.
"Do you know anything about your girlfriend's location?" She asked, jumping straight to the problem.
"Last time I saw her was at school." I was ready to correct myself when I realized I shouldn't.
"Did she seem okay?"
"She seemed like herself, I guess."
"How did she act, Alex?" The detective questioned and I tried imagining my girlfriend.
                 She had honey brown (or whatever color hair you have) hair and bright eyes. She was best friends with Hannah Baker and was taking everything harshly nowadays. She sounded like she wanted to die, but she never gave any signs that she did anything to herself. When she wasn't thinking of Hannah, she was bubbly and happy and could put a smile on anyone's face, but she always thought of Hannah, that was the person with the smile she liked to see the most.
"She was nice. She liked to make people smile," I mumbled, my hands clamming up as I realized I had killed my girlfriend so she could be with her best friend.
"She was very close to Hannah Baker wasn't she?" The detective questioned.
"HANNAH DIDNT DESERVE HER!" I screamed, remembering how she had soothed me when I cried over Hannah's tapes.
"Alex..."she sighed.
"She wanted to be with Hannah," I grumbled, walking out and not looking back.

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