Chapter Eight : The Plan

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Anna decided to come with Joaquin, to follow him do what he has to say because she will find justice for her father. It broke her heart that she never had the chance to hugged him even in her dream.

"Are you sure you are not coming with us?" Señora Agatha asked.

Anna shook her head, "I am sorry, Señora Agatha. It's just that, I liked this town and I want to explore and know things. Besides, Don Joaquin offers me a job that I really love ever since." Anna explained.

Señora Agatha was pissed off, "You'll regret this, Anna! I will never gonna wear your dress ever again." Señora Agatha said and entered the carriage.

Gaston smirked, "Don't mind my mom. She will just miss you." He said, "Damn, I am gonna miss my bestfriend! I guess, inviting you here was our biggest mistake." Gaston said.

Anna hugged him, "You must come here more often. You are right, Sherlock is really one of the best place." Anna said.

Of course it is, Sherlock is Anna's hometown.

"What will your brother say to this when he comes home?" Gaston asked.

Anna smiled, "I'll just sent him a letter. He will find out as soon as he arrives." Anna answered.

Gaston smiled in relief, "If someone is bothering you, you are welcome to come back in Aragona. You are welcome." Gaston said.

Anna hugged him, "Thank you for everything, Gaston. Don't worry, as soon as I experience harassment I will run straight to you." Anna said.

Gaston hugged him tightly, "Good bye, Anna. I am going to miss you." As soon as they said good byes to eaxh other, Gaston finally entered the carriage.

Anna felt a sudden pain, this is the first time that they gave a serious good bye to each other. As a matter of fact, Anna loves Gaston so much that she did everything so Gasyon will notice her. She regret that she never confessed to Gaston and somehow she feels scared. Gaston never showed a sign of affection, an intimate one. Right now, Anna just cried and waved her hands.

"Why does a beautiful lady crying over a carriage?" An old man asked.

Anna looked at the man and it was Don Romualdo, "Because he is a good friend." she explained.

"Then why don't you follow him?" he asked.

Anna looked at him, "It was you... Isn't it?" she asked, "The man who came to Aragona and handed me the letter 11 years ago." Anna said.

Don Romualdo smiled, "I guess Joaquin is looking for you right now. Today is your first day isn't it?" he said happily.

Anna nodded to him and entered the mansion. Señora Margareth talked to her, as if there is something she wants to know about her.

"Miss Feliciz, I heard your brother is a merchant. Where is he now?" Señora Margareth asked.

"He might be travelling back from Angora, Señora." Anna said.

Anna is full of anger and dismay, she really doesn't know who her son is.

"I am still confused on how you and my son met." The seńora said, "You see Miss Feliciz, my son is an aristocrat. The heir of the Casedona, and I am her mother who knows what is best for him." She said.

Anna smiled at him, "Señora, do not worry for I don't care about his wealth. He offers me a job, and I want to experience it. I never stole something that is not for me, so may I excuse myself? I have to meet Don Joaquin, I don't want keeping him waiting." Anna said and left her.

Anna really want to kill her, after what she did to Anna's parents. Now that Anna found out the truth all she wants to do is to take revenge against her aunt Margareth. She wants to make her suffer, and she wants to see her begging her for forgiveness. She know that it will break Joaquin's heart but who cares? Did she ever think of what will happen to Anna if she killed her parents?

Anna went straight to Joaquin's office.
"I couldn't stand your mother, brother." Anna said.

"You must call me, Joaquin." he said irritatedly, "Please, all you have to do is to wait." he said.

Anna looked at him, "My parents died eighteen years ago and their murderer is free and living in this luxurious life! Why do you want me to still wait?" Anna said.

"This is why I didn't tell at all, you weren't ready!" he said.

"I am ready, I must be ready!" she said.

Joaquin looked down and held her hand, "I am sorry, Anna. But all you have to do now is wait. Let us bring my mom down inside. We will play as her allies, we will let her believe that we believe her." Joaquin said.

"Why are you doing this, Brother?" Anna asked.

"She is going to kill me next. I know my mom, and she knows where my loyalty lies. It lies to your father, once grand father gave me all his wealth I am pretty sure Mother will do everything to get it." Joaquin explained, "Gain her trust, Anna. Impress her with your works. I am pretty sure you can get it right." Joaquin said.

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