Chapter Twenty Three : The Heiress's Fiance

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Anna and Lucas hid for almost a month. The Dela Paz did everything to protect Lucas, they never let anyone be at there mansion. They stopped accepting guests and even going outside, except Gabriella. She always sneaks out and find clues.

But the Casedona are preparing something, the people are excited, they heard that Lady Theresa's fiance is coming to Sherlock. Everyone are all happy that finally the Casedona Family are becoming happy.

"Mother, please let me go." The crying Joaquin begged his mom.

Margareth kissed his forehead, "Do not worry, my son, everything will be ours." she said.

"I don't want here anymore, let me go!" Joaquin yelled.

Margareth slapped her son, "So you could go to Anna and help her against me? I would rather kill you, Joaquin than let you go!" she said.

"Then kill me! Kill me now! Just like how you kill my father! Unlce Fabian and Grandpa!" he yelled.

Her mother tears fell, "No my son. I will never hurt you, I love you please don't leave me. I killed your father because he is abusing me, even your uncle, but believe me or not, I never killed my father." she explained.

"How could I believe that? You are a monster! You are an evil! Because of your jealousy you became ruthless, Mother! This is the reason why you are not fit to be a Casedona!" he said.

Margareth bring out the gun and fire it to Joaquin's shoulder. Joaquin yelled out of pain, the nurses run through his room, Joaquin is already crying because of too much pain. Margareth cried as well, but she never came to her son.

"Joanne! Joanne!" she called.

"Madame... Oh my gosh! What happened to Don Joaquin?!" Joanne was shocked

"I want you to take good care of my son, he is badly wounded. I'll go see my neice." she said calmly.

When she went out of her son's room she run through her room and started to cry. I didn't mean to hurt you, my child. I am sorry, momma is not good.' she told herself.

Back at Anna's. Anna is becoming nervous, "Lucas, we must find Joaquin. I will never feel safe unless he is not here beside me." Anna told Lucas.

"We have to be careful, Anna. If they caught us we will lose the chance to find him." Lucas said.

The door opened and Gabriella entered, "Lucas, I found something! This is very horrific." Gabriella looked at Anna, "No one killed your grandfather, Anna, he killed his self." Gabriella said.

"Why would he do that?" Anna asked.

"I don't know, we are not yet certain but I know what I said. Margareth took advantage of his death, maybe the proof is inside's Margareth's room or something." she said.

"I already saw the fake Lady Theresa Casedona, and yes! She is a fraud! I don't know where Margareth found her, but she is not a real Casedona." Gabriella said.

"How did you know all of that?" Lucas asked

"I have connections, and I have been investigating." She said.

"It would be dangerous for you, Gab." Lucas said.

"No, it would be dangerous for all of us if I don't go out there and look for answers. Don't worry about me, Luke. I'll be fine." Gabriella said.

"How about Joaquin?" Anna asked.

"I don't know yet, my spy have not sending me any updates yet. But I heard there will be a wedding for that fraud Theresa and her fiance is coming right now." she said.

"We have to go in." Anna said.

"Yeah, Lucas, you once told me about the secret passages that you used when you escape right?" Gabriella asked.

"Yes, but we could not use it anymore. We went out at the middle of the town, we could not use it many people will see us." Lucas said.

"Lucas's right, sadly, it is the only passage we know." Anna added.

"Who said we are gonna use it?" Gabriella smirked, "I accidentally found one." she said.

Lucas was impressed, "Really? How?" Lucas asked.

"It was Don Romualdo's birthday, Father got invited because Don Romualdo wants to prove to Father that Casedona is the best leader and the right family to serve Sherlock, Father decided to brought me so that I'll have idea about the rudeness of the Casedona family. I was walking across Don Fabian's room, when I found a painting beside it, it was a picture of Don Romualdo holding at his sword, looking really benevolent. I just look at it and said out loud, Romualdo is a grinch the painting became a door and it opened. I entered and finally realized that I was at the garden of Casedona Mansion. It was magic!" Gabriella said proudly.

"Whoa. That is unbelievably amazing! But Gabriella, how could we sneak in if it is INSIDE the mansion?" Lucas asked.

"I send a mail to my spy, she'll help us out." Gabriella confirmed, "I have to go. Father will be looking for me by now." Gabriella hugged her brother.

Anna and Lucas planned very carefully on how are they going to sneak in at the Casedona mansion and Anna is really dying to know who that fake Theresa that Margareth introduces to the people.

The visitor finally arrived, the people are excited to see the Dolores Family. Even though Doña Agatha hates Señora Margareth for her, the rich people should always be together no matter how you hate each other. The Dolores will never allowed a poor person be a part of their family.

"Veronica, is it true that you are the lost heiress of Casedona?" Gaston asked her.

Veronica nodded nervously, "Y-Yes." she smiled, "Start calling me Theresa from now on." she said.

"I can't believe it." Gaston said.

"Me neither." Doña Agatha said and hugged Veronica, "Why didn't you tell me that you are a Casedona?" She said and hugged Veronica as if she is her real daughter.

Veronica felt really uncomfortable because last time she stayed at the Dolores's, Doña Agatha insulted her, but now as if she never insulted Veronica.

"Doña Agatha, this is the only time I found out the truth. Aunt Margareth did everything to find me. After what Anna did to me." Veronica said.

"Veronica, is it really true that Anna abducted you? She can never do that, I know her very well." Gaston said.

"Oh shut up, Gaston!" Doña Agatha scolded her son, "Veronica is clearly a victim of Anna's cruelty. Poor Veronica, sadly your grandfather had passed away. I know that Anna can never do good, and now what did she do?" Doña Agatha said.

"Mother, Anna is your favorite designer as far as I am concerned! I know her very well, she can never hurt Veronica." Gaston said.

"So you mean, you do not believe your fiance, Gaston?" Señora Margareth asked, "My poor niece, experience different maltreatments from other people and now the only man she loves do not believe her." Señora Margareth's face became disappointed.

"That is not what I mean." Gaston said and held Veronica's hand, "I am sorry." He said.

Veronica smiled, "It is okay." Veronica replied.

Veronica felt ashamed of what she did. She did not just stole Anna's identity but she ruined hee reputation. But if she will tell the truth then, everything will be taken from her. She might even lose Gaston.

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