Chapter Nine : Lucas Dela Paz

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Anna Marie went outside of the Casedona Mansion. She felt the taste of freedom, because before she never felt it but she misses it. She misses Gaston, the voice of Señora Agatha, the sewing machines, everything. It makes her want to go back. She regret her determination to know the answer to her questions. It gave her a wound, that will never be healed. 'I wish everything is all easy. No problem, no fear, no regrets.' she said to herself and wiped away her tears. She wants to think of Gaston, how she feels comfortable everytime he is there. Gaston makes it easy for her, she feels loved.

"What this beautiful young lady doing outside of Sherlock?" The man said. He is tall, with blue eyes and attractive smile. He is cute, somehow same age with Gaston.

Anna just looked at her and walked away.

"I am Lucas Dela Paz, son of Duke Henry Dela Paz Jr.. I saw you at Señora Margareth's birthday. May I know your name?" the boy asked.

Anna smiled, "You do not have to." she said and again walked away.

Lucas followed her, "Please, I never been rejected for my whole life! Aren't you not impressed that I am the son of the Duke of Sherlock?" he asked and smiled.

Anna stared at her with a blank expression, "Not at all." she said and again she walked away.

Anna suddenly fell from the manhole. There was a problem earlier and the workers will still fix it until tomorrow. Sadly, the manholes are remain open.

"Oh my gosh! Señor Lucas, please help me!" Anna begged.

Lucas smiled, "Heh. You look cute when you fell." he sarcastically said.

"Is this how you treat a lady?" Anna asked irritatedly.

Lucas smirked, "Is this how you treat an aristocrat?" he asked.

"Wait, kindly please just help me, Señor." Anna begged again.

Lucas smiled, "What is your name? Where are you from? Where do you live?" he asked

"That is too much too ask!" she irritatedly said.

"Yeah, I know. So, lady, I have to go." Lucas said.

"Wait!" Anna yelled, "Ok fine. I am Anna Marie Feliciz. I am from Aragona, I lived in the Casedona Mansion because I work for Don Joaquin Casedona." Anna said.

Lucas were impressed and pulled up Anna, "Are you even eating? It's like I am pulling a baby out of her crib." Lucas said, "You don't smell well. Señora Margareth hates stinky and you might get fired. If you want I will help you, go in to my house." Lucas offered.

Anna accepted the offered. She hates stinky too and now she really feels irritated. Lucas brought her to his own house, it is a small room but inside are luxurious.

"You live alone? Why?" Anna asked.

Lucas handed her a dress, "It was my sister's." he said, "Pressure. Our family is one of the most trusted family of the Casedona's because of our pride. Father wants to pass it to our next generation. You see, he wants us to as perfect as him." Lucas suddenly felt sad.

Anna came towards him, "Are you going to hug me? No way! You have to take a bath." Lucas smiled.

Anna just smiled at him and went to the shower. Suddenly, Lucas felt different. This is the first time that he speak something about his family so comfortably. He was reminded of her mother, his heart beats fast and all of sudden everything became slow.

'What is going on with me?" he asked himself.

Lucas felt some electricity in his body. Is he in love? Wait hell no! That is indeedly impossible. That can never happen!

Anna went out of the bathroom, "Señor Lucas, thank you for your help and I am sorry for my attitude earlier." Anna said, "I have to go." she said goodbye.

Lucas looked at her, "I will bring you home." he offered again.

Anna accepted the offer. Lucas sent her home, "Señor, do you know what happened to Princess Theresa Casedona?" Anna suddenly asked.

Lucas nodded, "That poor kid was abducted. But the stories says that Don Romualdo let it happen." Lucas said.

"Why do you say so?" she asked.

"Well, after the abduction he looked calm. He never asked any guard to investigate. He never did anything." Lucas answered.

Anna felt broken, her grandfather never ever looked for him. Did he ever thought of me? She asked herself.
"Did the Casedona felt happy ever again?" Anna asked.

Lucas laughed, "Of course! They are still happy I suppose. There is change, Don Rumualdo loved leaving. Joaquin never went out of the room. Only Señora Margareth is really the happiest." Lucas said.

"That bitch." Anna said.

"What did you say?" Lucas said.

"Nothing." Anna answered.

Lucas smiled, "I agree, Señora Margareth is a bitch. She hates peasants  but they are alive because of them. The Casedona will not be rich without their hard-working peasants." Lucas felt disappointed, "They are maltreated, sadly, Don Romualdo is sick and doesn't have any idea about it." Lucas said.

"Do you think Don Romualdo will do something?" Anna asked.

Lucas nodded confidently, "Of course. He is the father of this town, once he finds out what Señora Maragreth has been doing, I am pretty sure that he will do something." he said.

"Then, why did he not find his granddaughter? I mean, if he will do something for his people and then he will do something more for his family, right?" Anna said.

Lucas looked at him, "Well, maybe... Don Romualdo did something..." Lucas looked at me awkwardly, "So, what do you do? I mean, your job." he asked.

Anna smiled, "I am Joaquin's secretary..." Anna answered.

Lucas looked at her shockingly, "Secretary? Of Joaquin?" he asked.

Anna nodded.

"Oh." Lucas smiled, "He'd changed. You see, ever since Don Fabian died Joaquin changed. Good luck." he said.

Anna looked at him. Why would he say good luck? This is strange.

"You are here, Anna. Kindly tell Joaquin that we've met." he said.

Anna went out of carriage and said goodbye. Who exactly is Lucas Dela Paz?

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