Chapter Twelve : The Casedona and Dela Paz Rivalry

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Anna went to Lucas's crib. Joaquin asked her to go to the town to meet the people, but Anna never told Joaquin that she will go with Lucas. Anna entered and saw Lucas that he ia getting ready.

"So, Miss Feliciz, are you ready for the trip?" Lucas asked.

Anna nodded.

"Shall we?" Lucas asked.

Anna and Lucas entered the carriage and started their trip. Lucas introduced Anna to the Sherlock culture, Anna really had fun with it. She have met different people from Sherlock.

"Sherlock is a great place, isn't it?" Lucas asked.

Anna nodded, "Yeah, you're right." she answered.

Lucas smiled at her, "I'll bring you to our place." He said.

Lucas and Anna went to the Dela Paz mansion. Anna was impressed by the warm welcome of the people. They entred the hallway and the Dela Paz Family were there.

Lucas face were shock and also his family members.

"Father, I thought you are going to France?" Lucas asked.

The old man smiled at Lucas, "So you can bring a beautiful lady here in my mansion? My boy, finally you brought us a lady. Aren't you gonna introduce us?" the old man asked.

Lucas felt uncomfortable and held Anna's hand, "Father, this is Anna Marie Feliciz from Argona. She is currently working for Joaquin Casedona." he told their family.

"Spy!" the lady who must be Lucas's sister yelled at Anna.

The old man looked at the lady, "Calm down, Gabriella. This lady do not have any idea about our family issues. Good day to you Miss Feliciz, I am Duke Henry Dela Paz Jr, Lucas's father." he smiled at Anna, "What do you do back in Argona, Miss Feliciz?" Duke Henry asked.

"I work as Doña Agatha's designer, Sir." she answered.

Gabriella's face went shocked, "You are a designer? Can you design me a dress?" Gabriella went excited.

Lucas felt irritated, "Shut up, Gabriella! We are leaving." Lucas said and grabbed Anna.

Lucas was so irritated, Anna can sense his irritation to his family.

"Your sister is beautiful." Anna complimented.

Lucas laughed, "A beautiful monkey, her mouth is as large as a bowl." he said.

Anna went shocked, "How can you say that to your sister?" she asked.

"Because she is my sister? There is no big deal." Lucas answered.

Anna smiled, "My brother never said that to me." she said as she remember the character of Joseph Feliciz, "He's the kindest and all. Well, sometimes he is bossy, over-acting, but the bravest man ever." Anna said.

Lucas giggled, "If you ever talk to your brother can you told him that I said that he is stupid." Lucas said.

Anna shook her head, "I will never call him that, wait a minute, is there something between the Casedona and Dela Paz?" Anna asked.

"Nothing." he answered.

Anna smiled, "Liar. Gabriella would not call me spy for nothing. Besides, I also know that you and Joaquin are friends and also, I know that you know our secret." Anna looked at him and smiled.

Lucas was amazed, "You really are intelligent." he said.

Anna was flattered, "So tell me everything that I need to know. Joaquin would not tell me anything, he is afraid you know." she said.

Lucas agreed, besides, Anna asked him so he didn't broke his promise to Joaquin.

Lucas clears his throat, "I'll start with the Casedona and Dela Paz rivalry. Our families has their own secret rivalry, it is because of money and power. Our family do not believe what your family is showing to the people, and also, our family wants to rule Sherlock to be more powerful so that the other town will recognize us powerful too. They want to tear down Casedona, they are trying everything they can. That is the reason why I left, Don Romualdo made sure that my father will not come and investigate to the murder that had happened." Lucas felt sad, "My sister don't want to come with me, because she believes that it is something that our father will not be proud of. If my family will find out about you, I am sure they will use you. Also, they will exile the Casedona Family if they'll know about that controversial murder that happen to your father and also about you, they believe it is immoral and they might kill you as well." Lucas said.

"Now I understand, I understand why Joaquin never wanted me to know it. Why would they kill me?" Anna asked.

"The Sherlock people has this belief that if you are the product of what they believe immoral you must not live, so they will kill you." Lucas answered.

Anna tears fell, "All I wanted is to have justice for my father. Also, justice for the people. Joaquin is right, our family did not cause any good to this town, this has to end." she said.

"If you really want that, I will help you. Me and Joaquin has the same idea on what the town should be, and you were influenced by him." he said, "I promise, Anna, I'll help. But I must tell you, Señora Margareth is your enemy not my family." Lucas said.

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