Chapter Five

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This place was awesome! From the entrance it looks like one rather posh mansion but definitely not big enough to be a school. However, when you walk out of the main building to behind it... it's a whole other world! You see a completely different building around the other side, much bigger... Huge in fact! As well as two other buildings next to it equally as big. Rose said there's a charm on the building to make it look normal to people unaware.

The building to the Academy's left is the boys dorm she pointed out and to the right was my new home, the girls dorm. Our room was as amazing as the Academy. The walls were a light shade of white with a super soft cream carpet. The curtains and bedding were a cool shade of lavender with a few white stripes. There were two vanity and desk mirroring each other, a walk in wardrobe on the right side and a door to a very luxurious looking bathroom. The window perfectly in the middle of the wall with two beds beside and a small bedside table fitted perfectly between the wall and the beds.

The whole room was if a mirror had been put down the middle making the room completely symmetrical. "Right, the bed on the right side is mine as you can see, there are blankets in the wardrobe but it's always warm so you hardly need them," Rose said before turning to the bathroom, "fresh towels are put in the bathroom everyday and you get toiletries in the store... it's called the store but you don't pay for anything, we need to go there for your uniform anyway so we'll pick you up some stuff!" I smiled, then put my suitcase on my bed to open it up.

I got out my laptop and shoved it on my empty desk and put what little I had brought which was basically a pack of paracetamol, my big hair brush, curlers, my favourite perfume Jimmy Choo Illicit and my old teddy Caramel the cockapoo all on to the vanity other than the painkillers which went in the bedside draw and Caramel on my bed... obviously, leaving a spare top in there just in case. Rose walked into the bathroom grabbed two glasses from a cupboard and poured some vimto into the glasses, filled them up with water and passed one to me.

I took a sip. "Seriously it's the sugar Free stuff?" I said quite upset by it. "They like us to stay healthy, you'll see that by the timetable... like five of our lessons are all exercise!" I sighed. "Seriously... why?" Horrified, I've never been any good at sport, I can do Pilates and stuff but for the love of god please no running. "Stop fussing it isn't running!," she laughed, "it's for defence and offence class, you need to stay fit and healthy since it's a work out in its self...  then there's swimming, two lots of P.E. which is basically working out in the gym and your favourite yoga and Pilates!" Jackpot! Swimming and Pilates are the best and I like the gym even though I'd naturally choose to not bother.

"Amelia... have you brought the cards?" Rose asked me looking rather curious. "God you know me too well!" I said rummaging into my suitcase's inner pocket. I pulled out some underwear and revealed my wisdom cards. "You do know they provide you with underwear..." she said laughing at my collection of wonder woman and batman knickers... "yeah but every girl needs a comfy pair!" I replied. She went on to say, "don't worry I was the same." I placed the pack of cards on the floor and sat down with my legs crossed.

"What do you want me to look for?" I turned an asked, "I can't guarantee it'll work but I can try." She let out a smirk. "You know full well it always works," she said with a laugh, "even though you only bought them to go with your House of Night book collection." Yes she did just say that. Look I don't like many books however, the Harry Potter collection and House of Night series are my absolute favourite. And yes I did buy these cards on a whim but for some unknown reason I haven't been given a wrong answer yet.

I got the deck of cards out and shuffled them them placed them into a three tiered   semicircle surrounding where I was sat. Usually I just say the little script given in the booklet to get started but today I felt compelled to say something completely different. "May the light guide me to the answers I wish to seek..." I said slowly but sure that these were the right words to say. "Amelia... how do you know that incantation?" Rose questioned seeming quite shocked. "What why... they just felt right like there was something in the back of my head telling me to say them instead of the norm," I said brushing it off as nothing.

"AMELIA... those are the words you're taught in divination to say before trying to... well... divinate!" She said sounding quite frantic and serious. However, I couldn't contain myself, "divinate?" I burst into laughter nearly knocking all the cards out of place, "I think you mean to Devine!" I knew it was weird however I just left it. I just found her terrible use grammar to funny. I turned back to face the cards and asked the cards out loud, "can I really use magic?" I took a moment of thought before looking at the cards. The way I can describe it is, I know I am drawn to a specific card if I look at it and my eyes start tearing up and I feel like I'm going to cry. It's been like this since I bought the cards and tried them for the first time.

I picked up the card I was drawn to and turned it around to read it... Pffffttt. "Amelia which one is it?" Rose said in anticipation. "Well they're working alright... I picked up denial!" She shook her head. "Serves you right for asking such a silly question!" She laughed. "So Rose what's your question?" I turned to face her. Her face sank. "What's going to happen to us whilst we're here?" She asked. I went round picking up one card at a time. I had felt drawn to a few so I put them in the order I felt they belonged in without looking at what they were.

I turned the first card and showed Rose, she's done this so much with me she knows what each of the cards mean by now. 'High priestess of fire'... that's me! As an Aries fire is my representation. It means creative and passionate however, it also means hot headed and stubborn. I did the same for the second card. And there was Rose, 'high priestess of air', she's a Libra. She loves to speak her mind and is the ultimate social butterfly, she's great at giving advice and always knows exactly what to say.

Despite the fact Aries' are born leaders so are Libras.. which you would think would make us clash and cause us to fall out but instead it works perfectly. My passion and her wisdom make us a powerful team that anyone would be idiot to go against... however, due to us actually being too nice for our own good we put our instincts to one side in order to be the better person. I had a feeling these two cards would be in the mix. I turned the last three cards straight away revealing 'differences, loyalty and strength'.

"Yeah, we've got nothing to worry about," I smiled passing her the cards. "No matter our differences our friendship shall remain strong and we'll always remain loyal to each other!" She said giving me geeky high five.  "God I need some wine!" I said kneeling down ready to pick up the cards when.. I got another feeling. I pushed the card to one side whilst I packed up the others. I picked up the card, turned it around and gave a light chuckle. "There's you're answer!" I said passing her the card. I heard a gasp as she read it. Belonging... maybe we truly belong here...

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