Chapter Seventeen

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Chase was sat at our now usual table waiting for us when we walked into the canteen. He got up after Loki sat on top on the table to save it for us... well let's face it, no one wants to go near him so no one is going to take the table. Especially with his little theatrical piece he did in here the other day! We all ordered our food and sat back down. I ordered chicken casserole and apple crumble and custard. As usual... my favourite. I swear more or less everything is my favourite. I think I just like food too much.

We ate up and chatted away until curfew was coming up. "See you tomorrow!" Chase said as we were walking into the girls dorm. Bless him for walking us here. But I have a feeling his ideas are not just friendship... well they are for me anyway. "What do you think of Chase?" I asked Rose curious to know her feelings for him. "Well he's really sweet... and drop dead gorgeous!" She remarked, I definitely nodded to that. "Have you been reading his mind?" I pestered, trying to dig out the dirt! "No... I can switch it off and can control what I want to hear," she explained, "I've always got an ear out for the bitch... you can get some excellent gossip from her head, and I try to listen to you to find out what's troubling you even though I only hear your mind for about a few minutes a day..."

Rose sighed, "But I don't want to read Chase's mind because I don't think I'd like what I hear..." I did my head tilt of confusion like a dog does. "And that is because..." I once again pestered... finally we're getting to the good bit! She didn't reply but she most definitely blushed from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes. "You know you don't have to read minds to be able to know that he really likes a certain someone who's face is currently as pink as her hair!" I said nudging her gently. She got pinker and pinker again. "You really think he likes me?" She asked in disbelief.

"You know the day he came into the canteen and all the life was sucked out and we thought he was looking at me..." I explained, "well he was looking at me because I was new but... it was pretty obvious he was only looking at me because I was sat next to you... he blushes whenever you do something cute Rose, I swear if it turns out he DOESN'T like you I'll eat my own hat!" She laughed, "Amelia you don't even have a hat!" Then I laughed and thought for a moment. "Fine if he doesn't like you I'll do a shot of the most disgusting thing on earth... amaretto liquor!" It made me feel sick just thinking about it. We shook on it before walking into our room.


I opened my eyes to a familiar scene. The corridor of that place I was in during my vision. I went by trying to open all the doors apart from the one that lead to the dungeon thing, the only one that opened was the room I started off in the last time. The bedroom. The room was exactly the same apart from this time it was tidy, no clothes left anywhere. The person who sleeps here must have had an epiphany because the room was an absolute tip last time...

I noticed a pile of books on the floor that had obviously fallen down. I knelt down to pick them up when I heard the door open. I heard a gasp. "You're here..." a familiar male voice said. I picked up the books and placed them on the table from where they had fallen off. "This is only a dream," I told myself aloud... but as usual when I talk to myself people seem to think I'm talking to them. "No this is real, I am awake in my home and you are here once again," he said as he sat down on his bed. I laughed. "Well currently I'm asleep in my own bed making this yet another dream... why do I have such strange dreams of late?" I explained.

He sat in silence for a moment before replying, "so you were asleep earlier?" I shook my head. "I was having a vision earlier," I explained, "but why am I telling you this... you're some crazed idiot who's going to kidnap me!" Once again he seemed puzzled. That made me angry. "So you try to kidnap me as a child, you caused the death of my real parents and now you won't even admit the fact you're going to kidnap me sometime in the foreseeable future!" I spat at him. He seemed saddened. "I never tried to take you from your parents in fact they were happy that you were born to be my bride... I am not the creature your father has been trying to warn you about," he explained. What? "Then who is... their all saying that you started a war and that you're the bad person," I started saying frantically, "for goodness sake the frigging perv was ready to tie me up and send me to you on a platter!"

He chuckled lightly before turning rather solemn. "Ahhh... that would be my younger brother, he was jealous when your mother foresaw that you would be born to be my bride," he sighed, "he chased your mother and father so that he could take you to be his own, they died refusing to give him your location." He ruffled his scruffy dark brown hair. "You're eyes were different last night," I said, "I knew I'd hate you after you gave me that stupid one liner... 'you are mine!' Who do you think you are?" I shouted.

"Were my eyes the opposite way round?" He asked. "Yeah..." I replied quick trying to see what he was getting at. "My brother has managed to enter your dreams... the kidnapping thing will most likely be him," he said sounding like he was ready to shoot him self, "I should've been dealt with him long ago, but ever since he murdered your parents he's been in hiding... and the fact that we look so alike I get blamed for his doings including the war..." He looked like he was ready to cry... or brake something.

"May I see your arm... I know Casper hurt it, we haven't had an intruder in so long and he got excited.." he explained. I held out my arm with its humongous plaster on. He gently peeled it off revealing the hug long cut. He seemed shocked by it. "He really got you good didn't he?" He laughed half heartedly as he held my wrist between his thumb and index finger. I felt a burning sensation. "Ouch.. what do you think you're..." I stopped the moment I saw the beautiful delicate flowers tattooed around my left wrist like a bracelet. "This is a binding charm... also known as a lovers binding charm, it will allow me to know if you are in danger and can be away for you to contact me!" He continued.

"LOVERS...WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" I screamed, lifting my arm to hit him. He grabbed my arms turning me to fall onto his bed. He gently rubbed his thumb against my cheek, "you're going to be fun I can tell... feisty like a tiger," he laughed, "I like you're eyes when they're their natural colour... such a dark blue." He sighed again. "What's you're name... they never told me it, I've been wondering all this time, mines Ash by the way," he babbled on. Despite his cool demeanour he actually seemed kind of nervous. "A... Amelia," I replied trying to not blush at his boyish charm. I failed. His face light up. His face slowly grew closer. Oh my god he's going to kiss me isn't he.

Well NO! I am not going to let this guy just kiss me... he has too much explaining to do. I felt my body drifting. I was leaving the dream, he was still trying to kiss me. I quickly brought me knee up hitting him where it hurts. "Owww..." he brought himself to say with a strained voice. He curled up in a ball on the floor and said, "I guess I deserve that after the charm." I stood up. "It seems I'm going... this dreams ending, goodbye!" I said more cheerfully than I expected, I guess I'm just glad to be getting out of here. He gave a smile and lifted his hand to wave as everything that surrounded me was black.

"I guess it's time to see my dad... great more confusing answers!" I said to myself. I was completely wrong. There stood in front of me in the black was Ash... wait not Ash. The eyes were opposite, the dark brown hair was more of an ash-blonde. Oh shit. A devious smile sat on his face as he walked towards me. "Don't look at me like that... I want you to be happy to see me, I am after all going to marry you!" His voice left a shiver down my spine. He grabbed my wrist. "My brothers dog got you then," he tutted and then he saw the flowers... his eyes light with fury.

With one swipe he hit my face which knocked me to the floor. "Ungrateful slut!" He screamed, pinning me to the ground. "You are mine... he will not have you, charm or no charm," he sinisterly whispered into my ear, grabbing my throat and squeezing all the air from my lungs. I looked up to see I as no longer in darkness but in a room with windows... wait windows. Amelia if there was a time to break stuff now was it. I closed my eyes and screamed as loud as I could. It had worked. I opened my eyes again to see the windows smashed and a few glass shards stuck in the guys arm.

I got up and ran. I ran like my life depended on it... which I think it did. "Wake up Amelia!" I shouted to myself. I then had a thought. "Rose," I screamed, "Rose... WAKE ME UP QUICKLY!!!" My eyes opened to our moonlight room. I hadn't realised I was screaming until Rose said, "it's okay Amelia... you're safe now!" I cried and cried and cried. "What on earth happened," she asked, "I heard you screaming at me in my sleep, you told me to wake you up.." Loki jumped on my bed and cuddled me trying to comfort me. It was as I was scratching behind his ears that I noticed the delicate flowers tattooed around my left wrist. Rose gasped. "It wasn't a dream... it was real..." I whispered in disbelief.

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