Chapter Six

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After a while Rose had realised the time. Time had flown by so fast. I arrived at the school around about 2 O'clock ish and after the chat with the headmistress and the settling in to my new room it was now 5 o'clock. She said we had about an hour to kill before tea so she'd show me around a bit. I swear to god she turned into a tour guide showing me everywhere. First she showed me the girls dorm lounge with its large kitchen area with 3 kettles and tea and coffee galore... typical British solution to everything! There was also a massive flat screen tv on the wall with a huge couch as well as other comfy seats dotted here and there.

"There's one on each floor so there's room for everyone!" She pointed out. Then off I was wizzed about by my 'tour guide' outside of the dorm. She showed me the courtyard, the gym, the 'shop' (this being the place all the uniforms and work books as well as toiletries and stuff were which she had told me about earlier), the farm which had some weird looking non farm like animals that I couldn't even describe were, the salon, spa, the maze (like why the hell was there a maze?) and after rushing around like a mad women with her for a COMPLETE HOUR... we finally ended up at the cafeteria for tea.

"They serve alcohol Friday and Saturday nights.." she beamed. She must have seen the twinkle in my eye. Wine here I come... everything I need after one of these days. "Do they have..." I said about to say my absolute favourite brand of wine before. "Yeah they have white zinfandel!" Rose smirked knowing me all too well. "Well... what are we waiting for then?" I smirked back at her wondering what the food was like. We walked into the cafeteria and it was ridiculous.

There were trays with food flying all over the place. "What the hell.." I said slowly as I took a step back ready to get the hell out of there. "Amelia it's fine so don't worry," Rose said gently putting me at ease about the extremely strange situation. We walked up to the counter to be greeted by a very nice lady. "How do girls... ahhh you must be new," she said, probably noticing my face gawking at the trays whizzing about the place and praying nothing falls on me, "nothing will drop on you my dear it's all very safe."

She smiled at me before continuing, "there's a choice of chicken pot pie with steamed vegetables, beef and bean burritos or..." she was about to say another choice however she was quiet quickly stopped when we heard the word burritos to which we both said in unison burritos please. "Would you like nachos to share?" She said writing down our order, she got two great big smiles from the pair of us as we nodded. "I'm guessing you'll want the churros too.." she continued. Once again our faces lit up.  "And finally anything to drink?" She asked quite cheerfully. "A bottle of White Zinfandel please," Rose asked kind of meekly which surprised me.

"Come on Rose... you know we can only give a glass at a time and even then you're limited to three glasses." Rose twiddled her thumbs for a second before using her sweetest voice to say, "oh please... she's had a rough day... she never knew magic existed until a few hours ago and now she's in a cafeteria with flying trays... and it's to share between us so it's not even three glasses each!" The women tutted and rolled her eyes before giving us a cheeky wink. "Thank you very much!" We both said before going sitting down on a medium large table giving us lots of room for the food to be placed.

In a matter of minutes a tray came down with a large burrito each, a pile of nachos topped with salsa, sour cream, guacamole (my favourite!), cheese and jalapeños, a small basked with 4 long churros (also my favourite) and a large bottle of my absolute favourite wine along with two glasses. I poured us a glass each before tucking in to some of the most delicious food I have ever eaten! By the time we'd finished eating, drinking and chatting away over an hour had passed. We'd had more that a few stares from people coming in and out, probably because our peculiar hair colours compared to everyone else in this entire academy however, I especially got quite a few glared from the blonde bitch from earlier and her vile looking group of friends.

I just brushed them off. There are always going to be people I don't like but as long as they don't hurt my friends I'm not interested to get involved by all of it. The bulling I went through at my sixth form college made me realise that the worlds full of bitches so if they start bitching just do one better by being the bigger person. It always shows them up causing them to look like utter idiots. Tried, tested and proven to always work! The food was gone and the wine was drunk so we had decided to make our way back to the dorm. Rose told me that we'd get my uniform and stuff tomorrow as it's getting late and she'd lend me some pj's.

She went on babbling on for a bit before she stopped dead in her tracks. I turned my head to look in the direction she was staring at to see a humongous black cat with bright yellow eyes snarling and growling at the growing number of students and teachers surrounding it. "What in the heavens is that!" I asked. " idea..." Rose replied weary of the gigantic beast. I watched as some teachers ran up the the creature with weapons ready to attack. That's when I saw it. The poor thing was terrified. It was backed into a corner surrounded by gawking students and angry teachers who only want to hurt it. This made me angry.

I ran towards it, pushed through the crowed to the clearing where the teachers were standing ready to attack. "What the HELL do you think you're doing?!" I screamed at them, "GET AWAY CAN'T YOU SEE IT'S SCARED!" One bull headed male teacher came up to me and shouted, "get away yourself, you're new and you know nothing... that is a dangerous creature!" This really ticked me off. I closed my eyes and screamed, "I SAID GET AWAY!!!" I heard loads of gasps. As I opened my eyes I saw a similar scene as I had seen earlier. However, not just one person had been pushed away. All the teachers and student in the surrounding apart from Rose had been knocked over and pushed away... like away away... cool!

I turned to the giant cat. "Shhh... shhhh... it's okay, they're all gone now so you're fine," I said with my hands in the air, slowly edging towards it. I was nervous and shaking slightly but I knew the cat was even more scared than I was. To my surprise the cat came towards me. "I know you're scared... but it's okay now... I won't let them hurt you," I said slowly wary of the giant beast. However, all fear of the cat went away when it placed its head on my hand allowing me to pet it. It lied down so I did what I know all cats love... a good scratch behind the ears! The creature purred at my touch.

A rather scruffy teacher came rushing towards but then slowed when approaching it. "Wow... you calmed it!" He said sounding like a child in a sweet shop. "Professor Gilmore," Rose shouted out, "Amelia he's fine, he teaches Mythical Creatures!" I trusted her word and allowed him to approach. "A demon cat, the last time anyone has seen one of these was in the government buildings in Washington D.C.... a rare beast indeed!" He continued in awe of the cat. Suddenly the cat stood up leaving all the idiot teachers and students cowering in the background. However, to everyone's surprise the beast lowered its head towards me almost as if it was bowing.

Professor Gilmore gasped in excitement. Then the beast shrunk to the size of a normal cat and jumped on my shoulder purring and begging for another scratch behind the ears. By this time the professor was jumping up and down in excitement. "He's chosen you!" He practically screamed. "What?" I asked wondering what on Earth this babbling professor was on about. "He's chosen you to be his person!" He beamed before he was interrupted. "What an interesting scene of events," came from a familiar voice. It was Miss Felicity.

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