Chapter Nine

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"I'm afraid my dear that you were adopted, they said your biological father needed you to keep your last name, so they simply changed there's," Miss Felicity said simply with a smile... A SMILE. "What twisted sick minded person says that with a SMILE!" I screamed. That was it... I'd lost the plot. I felt a darkness grow within me, "They'd lied to me... all these years and now you have the audacity to smile!" I heard a crack. I turned my head to see the glass windows had been cracked. "AMELIA SIT DOWN NOW! She bellowed. I snapped out of whatever trace I was in. "I'm... I'm so... sorry..." I burst into tears unable to cope with this strange situation.

"You smiled but not like that, it was sincere but... I don't know what happened... it was like someone flipped a switch and..." I blubbered on, Rose hugged me tightly. Miss Felicity used the most amazing magic I've seen yet. She made a cup of tea in the air, the tea pot and milk pot poured into a little blue tea cup which sat on a saucer. I blowed my nose before saying that I really need to learn how to do that. Surprising myself, I laughed gently. "You're adoptive family had no idea my sweet, as soon as they explained there memories of you were completely wiped... it's an old magic that has not been seen in a long time..." she continued passing me the tea.

"What is your last name?" Chase asked from the corner of the room... I had completely forgotten that he was even here. Both me and Rose simultaneously said, "Blackwood!" We heard his gasp. "Miss Felicity you can't be telling me that she's somehow related to that Blackwood family... which is completely impossible by the way!" Chase went from an irreproachable mysterious teen to a Hermione Granger know it all. I was bursting with curiosity however, something in my head told me to leave it for today. It was only 8:45 am and I was exhausted. I looked at Rose who gave me a simple shrug.

"Alright... I've had enough drama for one day," I said with a sigh, "my score of whatever was ridiculously high, I'm adopted, my gorgeous little nephew is actually not my nephew, I break stuff WITH MAGIC when I'm angry, my family won't even remember me if they saw me and my names weird... nothing will change over night... and I really need to take some time to relax before I break anything else...there's a spa right?" Miss Felicity came over and touched my shoulder, "Go enjoy yourselves, but get your uniforms first!"

And like that I pretend like nothing had even happened. I didn't want to think about any of it. "Are you okay?" Chase asked as I was walking out the door. "Yeah I'm fine... let's just act like we're starting this day again!" I replied with my biggest smile... but even that smile couldn't hide the tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. Rose completely understood however, Chase gave me an utterly complicated look. He mustn't know yet that girls are complicated creatures indeed.


Rose and I had gone to the shop thing to finally get my uniform and stuff. Chase went off to do whatever he needed to do. I didn't really pay attention to where he said he was actually going. The shop was a good distraction. The uniform looked really cute on me, I'm usually not this vain but I needed cheering up whilst I was pretending I'm absolutely fine when I am so obviously not. Pretending to laugh and smile is my greatest skill, ever since what happened in sixth form college... on the note of depressing let's not go there.

The uniform consisted of a short grey box pleat skirt with a black belt, a white short sleeve blouse made from a soft smooth material that felt really comfy to wear with a long thick black ribbon which you wear in a big bow instead of a tie, a grey jacket which matched the skirt nicely, black tights and the most adorable pair of black ankle boot heels on the planet. They were made from suede but had lace pattern up the side and a big bow hold each side of lace together at the front. I also got given a vintage looking light brown satchel backpack which was delicious to look at... a couple of months ago I would've killed to get a bag like this and now I was getting one for free! They said they would send up spare skirts, jackets, blouses etc to our room once we'd finished picking out our stuff.

Then came the underwear... turns out there is a STRICT restriction on something so silly, which consisted of really pretty white lace underwear. I get the white thing considering the blouses and stuff but why they had to provide it all... who knows. Me and Rose then went around picking up all the toiletries we needed, my class books, gym clothes, a swimming costume, bikini, make up (all very natural and no foundation or contour kits to be seen... not that I can contour but I do try with foundation occasionally) and god knows what else before she photo-copied her timetable for me.

"Message for Rose and Amelia!" Some lady came in with a little white piece of paper which read 'Girls, since a lot has happened I had taken the liberty to book you both into a full body massage and a facial treatment as well as normal use of the spa facilities, there's also a high tea for after the spa and you've been booked into the salon to have you're hair and nails done. Enjoy, Miss Felicity.' We squealed with joy. This is exactly what I needed, what better distraction than a full spa day!


Everything had been perfect. We had our facials and massages, used the sauna, the hot tub, the ice room (I hate the cold but it's amazing getting into a hot tub after it!) and it was heavenly. So was the high tea! Freshly baked scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam, little finger sandwiches that melt in your mouth, a slice of red velvet cake (my favourite cake ever!), a mini pavlova, a mini chocolate eclair and a tiny quiche each! I think I died and went to heaven eating that lot. After that it was to the salon... they tried to convince us to dye our hair to my natural brunette and Rose's gorgeous blonde but... no, as much as I don't like standing out I love the current colour of my hair and wouldn't change it for the world.

So they just treated it and made it into gorgeous loose curls! Then we both had our nails done. They wouldn't let me have any colour on them but they still looked lovely. After that the day flew by. Before we knew it it was 8:15 and we were back in our room. We hadn't seen Chase since the morning, he seemed to have completely disappeared. Like the ladies in the shop had said all my new stuff was in the room, all hung up apart from my course books were stacked up along with a pencil case full of stationery on my desk and all my toiletries were in a basket on my bed, to which I unpacked into the various places they belonged. After a quick shower and brushing my teeth I slipped into bed, where Loki was already snuggled up, weary from today's ridiculous morning and relaxing afternoon.


I opened my eyes to a lush green meadow with small forget-me-nots and Daisy's. In the distance there was a small table with two chairs and tea set. I walked towards the table and sat down on one of the chairs, pouring myself a cup of tea. I looked up from my tea cup to see the same man from yesterday... meaning this is once again a dream... god I have weird dreams. "Who are you?" I asked taking a sip of my tea which was delicious. His warm gentle smile disappeared from his face. "You'll find out soon enough little one," he said his voice sounding saddened, "you look so much like your mother." I dropped my tea. "What... you know my mum... but my mum turned out not to be my mum!" I frantically shouted. Oh god now I'm getting myself stressed out again. His smile returned to his face. "You're real mother my dear..." he said before once again as the night before everything had gone white with light as I opened up my eyes.

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