Chapter Twelve

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"Whoa whoa whoa... you are NOT suggesting that..." I laughed in disbelief of what she was implying as there was a knock on the door. In walked a middle aged women holding what looked to be a large painting in a posh gold painted frame. "I brought the... OH MY GOD!" She screamed so loud when she saw me she dropped the painting. She scared the shit out of me! "Patricia what on earth is the matter?" Professor Henry said as he walked over to pick up the painting. Rose whispered that she teaches us magical history before professor Henry dropped the painting with an "OH SHIT!" Seriously... "For the love of god what is the matter?!" I shouted frustratedly. They slowly turned around the painting to show...

ME? "Why is there a painting of me?" I questioned looking at the familiar stranger on the portrait, "I've never had a painting done!" It was then that I noticed the man standing next to me in the painting... A young man with brown hair and dark blue eyes. A younger version than the man in my dreams... "He said I look so much like my mother..." I whispered to myself unfortunately, the others heard me. "Who said?" Miss Felicity enquired. I walked up to the painting and pointed at the man. "He's been popping up in my dreams the last two nights and having full blown conversations with me which have left me even more confused than I already was!" I complained, waking up annoyed and frustrated is not fun.

"Although... he's older in the dreams." Literally everyone apart from me said "wait WHAT?" At the same time. "Everyone sit down for a moment... we'll tackle one thing at a time!" Miss Felicity said calmly yet agitatedly. We did as we were told. "The people in the painting are Their Royal Majesty's King Theodore and Queen Evangeline Blackwood, previous King and Queen of Britain's Magical Society," she said taking a sip of her tea before realising it had gone cold (she wasn't happy about that), "they went missing a little over 20 years ago... it seems we now know why." She pointed at me.

"No one has ever had a score as high as Amelia's in the history of magic, no wonder they wanted to keep you away from the magic community," she continued explaining, "however, if we can prove that you are their legitimate child then the current royal family will have to step down with you taking their place!" I heard gasps all round. WHAT THE HELL. "Stop right there, I only found out about magic the other day and now you're telling me I'm some lost bloody princess and I'm gonna go up the current royal family and say hey get off my thrown!" I frantically shouted.

Chase burst out laughing. "Or I can just call my dad and say hey get off the thrown it's not yours anymore!" He continued laughing, practically rolling on the floor. "What?" I said confused... then it dawned on me. "Oh... I just said that out loud didn't I?" Chase said turning deathly white. Miss Felicity laughed, "You might as well formally introduce yourself Chase." He took a long sigh and was obviously embarrassed by the situation his mouth had put him into. "I'm Chase Stanford, son of the current... King... and Queen..." he started off confident but quickly lost it when he had to get to the king bit. "Hello current prince/ the delinquent, I'm the long lost princess/ the riff raff!" I said cheerfully before falling back into the chaise longue and muttering what the hell am I going to do and what is wrong with this place.

Chase cracked a small smile. "So it doesn't matter that I'm a... prince?" He said quietly, I could hear the distaste in is voice when he said prince. "Chase why would it matter, you can't choose who your parents are!" I smiled at him before going back to my sulking. "Right there's gonna be a scary vampire soon and I might be a princess and it's coming to kill me... wait what about Chase?" I asked wondering if the vampire would want his blood since he's an actual prince. The teacher with the painting shook her head.

"When the Stanford family took the thrown there was a spell/ceremony making their blood the Royal Bloodline however... that only works if there is no one of the previous bloodline who wasn't then previous king and Queen alive," she said finally putting the painting down and leaning it against the wall, "since you would have been born before the ceremony took place, the spell was null and void making your blood royal... all being we can prove that you are the actual successor!" My head was spinning... way to much drama! "I don't want to be the successor though, I grew up as working class as you can get!" I shouted.

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