Chapter Ten

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I woke up agitated. Who the hell was that guy and why do I wake up when he finally starts to explain something! Agghhhhh! I thrashed the covers about, banging my feet up and down on the bed. Rose woke up. "Amelia... what's wrong?" She said in between yawns. "Nothing, just an annoyingly confusing dream... sorry," I apologised. I looked up to the clock, 7:30. "What time does breakfast finish?" I asked. She lifted her head to look at the clock. "9:00 but we better head there now or it's gonna be super busy with the late risers," she said getting out of bed. We got into our uniforms, brushed our teeth and started to sort our hair out. I didn't wash mine last night so the curls would stay in which thankfully they did.

I brushed the top half of my hair to get my parting back from the bed head I had. Put in my new makeup that I got from the shop. A thin line of black liquid eyeliner, mascara and black pencil eyeliner on my eyes. A small amount of rosy blush and some natural pink lip gloss finished the look. Rose had a similar thing going. I swear we were sisters in another life, we practically are sisters her mum and Lynette always treat me like family. I wonder if they'll still do so now that I apparently don't have a family. Rose turned to look at me. "You okay?" She said with a meek smile. This girl can read me like a book! "Where do you think I'll go during the Holidays and stuff?" I asked giving her a look in hope of Kelsey and Lynette taking me in or something.

This time she gave a big smile. "Next weekend is parents visitation... we can ask my mums then!" She squealed with glee. Now there's no chance of my habit of hiding away with a pile of books and forgetting to contact anyone! If they take me in of course... which with some bribing of me cooking once a week and helping out with the laundry and stuff I'll be fine. I got up from the vanity and fed Loki who was grumbling at me for not feeding him right away before something popped into my head. "Wait can your whole family use magic?" I blurted out. "Yeah, but there are some family's to which magical children are born when the family aren't... kind of like Harry Potter but we don't call them muggles or no majes or anything and we're not witches or wizards either!" She said as we walked out of our bedroom and locked the door behind us.

"I'll continue when we're at the canteen," she said and as quick as a she said it we were there. Well... that's an exaggeration obviously but it felt like a really quick walk, probably because I was on auto pilot now I'm getting used to the surroundings. My dad... well... my now not so dad always used to tell me how he auto piloted going to work and could never for the life of him remember the drive because he was so used to the journey he just zoned out. Chase was sat down at a table with two spare chairs and waved at us. We sat down. "You've been waiting?" I laughed. Yesterday this guy looked like a lone wolf who didn't want anything to do with anyone and now he's waiting for us.

"Well yeah, I thought about this whole 'I don't want anything to do with anyone' image I got going and how boring it was so I decided I might as well try to make friends to the people who didn't judge me the moment they saw me," he reasoned. I smiled. "Awww he called us friends!" I elbowed Rose who smiled. Chase looked like he had turned into a tomato. Bright red, probably thinking we didn't want to be his friend... "Whoa whoa whoa, she's kidding!" Rose said which reassured him making him turn to his usual shade. "Can we continue with the explanation?" I asked Rose, who nodded in agreement as we all filled in the little tick sheet. 

Today's pick... a croissant with butter and strawberry jam, blueberries and a small bowl of granola with natural yogurt as well as what I think is going to be my usual coffee and orange juice! "Right, as I said we're not called what they're all called in Harry Potter... were called depending on our types!" She said with another smile, as our orders flew into the air. Chase looked like the light had dawned on him, now understanding the conversation. Me on the other hand... was completely lost. She reached into her pocket and retrieved her time table.

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