Chapter Fifteen

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I opened my eyes to find myself in a strange room. It looked like some bachelor pad. It was a mess like a bachelor pad. However, whoever owned this place had some taste. The room was a large bedroom, large double bed, a comfy leather couch, big tv and clothes lying all over the place (men's obviously). I walked over to the door and opened it leading into a long hallway. As I walked I touched each door hoping for a sign on which to open.

I passed three doors either side of me before feeling the need to open the fourth door on my left. I opened the door which revealed a large cobblestone staircase going down. I cursed my own curiosity as I began to walk down the creepy stairs. The further down I got the more I realised it to lead to a sort of dungeon. As I looked around the dark dungeon complete with skulls, chains and fire torch thingies, I heard a growl.

"Who are you..." a voice hissed. I was grabbed and pinned to the wall. "Master an intruder!" The creature spat. Oh my god. "Deathly pale..." I whispered. "What did you say... spit it out girl!" The creature screamed at me, scratching my arm. I felt a hot substance drip from the stinging wound. The creatures dark brown eyes glowed red at the sight of my blood. I heard footsteps behind him.

"Deathly pale, wakes at night, tall and male..." I took my time gathering the words I remembered as the creature bared his fangs, "vicious bite, sealed away, wild Rose bud, wants its prey, royal blood." I finished the poem I now clearly remembered reciting the day before. I heard slow clapping in the background. As a man walked towards me. "Those eyes..." we both said in unison. His eyes. The same ones from the night before. The same voice. By him saying the same thing... I guess my eyes are violet again. More words entered my head, I couldn't help but say them aloud.

"Coming soon, deadly spell, black new moon, no way to repel... whispers and secrets, out of control, the necromancer wants back what he stole!" His eyes flashed in curiosity before he gave a smug smile, "You will belong to me..." The vampire went to bite me. He screamed, "NO!" As I let out a scream and found myself being shaken. "AMELIA... SNAP OUT OF IT!" The professor screamed. I finally brought myself to open my eyes. The windows were in shatters. The walls had large cracks down them. The students look like they'd seen a ghost and my arm stung in pain, blood dripping down it. "Those eyes... that creature..." I brought myself to say before my head flooded with pain.

Everything was hazy and in slow motion after that. I felt myself being dragged away but I couldn't find the energy to move or say a thing. I found myself in the infirmary. The doctor was talking to me but everything was so slow I could hear a word he was saying. I saw Miss Felicity rushing in. Once again she was trying to say something but the words were missing. My eyes were becoming heavy, blood was dripping everywhere and anywhere apart from my uniform! Out of it or not I am not getting blood on my nice new uniform. "AMELIA!" She screamed and I snapped out of it.

The pain instantly hit me and the memory of his lingering voice. "My dad told me last night he wanted me.... he keeps telling me I belong to him but I don't know who he is and they died hiding me from him!" The words flooded out of my mouth like the tears rolling down my face. "Who Amelia... who did you see and who did this to you?" She asked as the doctor began to tend to my arm. "The vampire scratched me but that was in the vision so how could it be real?...and I don't know who the man was... his eyes... one is yellowy green and the other blue... and those words, over and over in my head," I sobbed, "the necromancer wants back what he stole... it's me isn't it, he wants me..."

My head began to spin again. "Careful now, calm down... everything is going to be fine, we won't let him take you." She whispered holding me up. "No way to repel... I will be taken eventually..." I whispered back solemnly. When my arm was completely bandaged they began asking me to describe them. "The vampire... his eyes were brown but changed red after seeing my blood, blonde hair, he looked around 20 ish," I answered trying to remember any details I could, "the other man... dark brown hair, one eye like a peridot greens yellow, the other like the colour you dream the ocean would be on a tropical island, he's the one that said I was his."

Everyone gave me a funny look. "Are you definite about the eyes?" Miss Felicity asked. I nodded. "And she definitely said the necromancer," the man that was observing me said (the perv). Miss Felicity put her hand on her head. "He's back..."she whispered. "What, who's back?" I asked, "and I thought there hasn't been a necromancer for over 200 years?" I was finally coming back to normal, my vision was no longer hazy and my head feeling a little better.

"He is the last necromancer..." Miss Felicity sighed, "and because of his gift he has been able to escape death." She shook her head. "There was a war with him 20 years ago... he cease fired when he was promised.... a bride," she continued, "there was a foretelling that a girl of noble birth and exceptional power would be born in a thunderstorm... and that girl would be given to him." Oh my god... "wait a minute... you were just going to GIVE a girl away!" The perv laughed. "Were... until we found out the girl was the princess to be!" He snorted, "and so the King and Queen fled with you."

Are you kidding me. "We knew the day was coming that he'd be back and another war would begin unless we gave the girl... and that's all we need to do, if we give you to him he won't attack!" He shouted. He was absolutely raving mad. He lunged towards me to grab my wrist but I was not in the mood to get my arm hurt anymore than it was. I waved my hand and pushed the idiot to the other side of the room. "You don't need to give me to him as I have the feeling that sooner or later he'll take me.... in the time being YOU," I shouted whilst pointing at him, "can stay FAR AWAY from me and I'M going to lunch!" With that I stormed off to the canteen to find Rose.


"What on earth do you think you are playing at!" Ash bellowed, "that is my bride... did you not see her eyes!" Casper hissed, "her blood is intoxicating... I couldn't control myself, forgive me master." He bowed his head in shame. Ash smiled and patted him on the back. "She is beautiful... I never imagined she would grow to be so fine," Ash beamed with pride. "She has much power, that is why her blood was especially thick and delicious..." he licked his lips as he whispered. Ash threw his hand behind him throwing the greedy vampire to the chains on the wall. The pure silver chains bound him to the wall and burnt his skin. "You will stay there till you learn your place... YOU ARE NOT TO TOUCH HER!" Ash shouted as he walked up the cobbled stair case to the castle above. "She will love me... and bring light into my life!" He whispered to himself before leaving the dungeon completely.


"Seriously... he said that?" Rose practically screamed the canteen down, "the nerve!" I took a big bite of my cheese and Branston pickle sandwich as I nodded. "And there's a creepy necromancer who wants to spend the rest of his undead life with you," she continued. Once again I nodded. "Well you're just having a fab day aren't you!" She laughed so contagiously I finally managed to crack a smile. I opened my packet of pickled onion space raders (I know blast from the past right? But also surprisingly healthy compared to other crisps!) We sat and ate in silence for a while. It gave me time to check out the stares and whispers from the other students.

I sighed. I can't just keep my head down can I? I thought about the man everyone keeps calling the necromancer. I could not deny that he is handsome... however, he is most definitely cocky and arrogant. He's the sort of guy I think I'd end up punching. And believe me when I say I'd probably end up doing it. I remember this time in High School where this guy went to hug me (everybody thought he has hot but I didn't do so what did my friend Storm do... tell him!) she pointed me out, he tried to hug me. I grabbed his wrist and pushed him away from me. His face was a picture... and someone started a rumour that I slapped him. I kept with it, no one messed with me... well at high school they didn't.

After lunch Rose and I went for a walk to kill some time before our classes started again after our free period. She took me to the gym where we'll have class later. I was looking forward to that. As much as I cannot be bothered to exercise and my arm hurts it can help me focus and gets rid of frustration. And I am definitely frustrated. After our stroll the 30 minutes we had left dragged. As much as I was enjoying the peace I was bored bored bored. We sat down with a coffee on a bench in the courtyard.

My rain had only lasted around 20 minutes so everything was dry now considering the once again beautiful sunshine and clear blue sky... like his right eye. Wait... what was I thinking. "Bad Amelia... bad!" I said knocking my fist against my head. "What are you doing?" Rose laughed, "you're like Dobby with the lamp in the Chamber of Secrets!" Now that she mentioned it... I did didn't I? We laughed for a while then went on to chat the time away before the bell rang. "Time to visit Al!" She practically sang.

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