Chapter Eighteen

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The nurse told me not to take the sleeping pills in the middle of the night otherwise I wouldn't be able to come round by the time the morning came however, I couldn't settle. Rose had taken me to our floors lounge where we found some lemon juice and honey to make a hot lemon and honey to try and calm me. Nothing would stop the shaking though. In the end I split one of the two sleeping tablets in half and took that. I thought if you take two for one night, maybe take half of one for half a night and I'd be fine in the morning. With a little encouragement from Loki who sat on my stomach purring as I laid facing the ceiling I eventually drifted back to sleep.


I woke up with a pounding headache. The sleeping tablet had worked but I still woke up ridiculously early. 6:30 am to be precise. I decided to take a shower whilst Rose was still sleeping to kill some time. When I came back out she had woken up. "You feeling better?" She asked. I nodded. "You gonna tell me what last night was about?" She asked again. I sighed. "I'll tell you when we see Miss Felicity..." I whispered. "Amelia you're neck..." she said in shock. I sat in front of my vanity. God I was black and blue... and my neck... you could see the brushes from where that guy had strangled me, it looked completely obvious that someone had strangled me.

I quickly got changed and we went off before there was a crowd of girls to see my bruises. When we knocked on Miss Felicity's office there was no answer. "You're here early girls.." I heard her yawn behind us. I slowly turned around and gave her the fright of her life. "What on earth has happened to you!" She screamed rushing us into her office. She called for the doctor to come and sat me down on the chaise longue. I was about to say everything when the tears began to fall. "I thought it was a dream... but it was so real... and now this!" I cried pointing to the bruises and the tattoo.

"Who did this to you..." she asked. I could see the anger on her face. "This," I said pointing at the tattoo, "was done by Ash, I thought it was just a dream... but he said he was wide awake and it was real." I felt like a lost child. "He said that it was my mum who foresaw me to be his bride and that they were happy about it, but his brother was jealous and tried to take me for himself... he said my parents died by his hands when they refused to tell him where I was," I said drying my tears... for some reason the thought of Ash... as infuriating as it is to admit it... kind of made me happy, "after he did this I felt like the dream was shifting... I thought I was going to see my dad again but..." I put my hand gently around my neck remembering the feeling of being choked all too well.

"His brother looks more or less exactly like Ash, the difference being their eyes are opposites... Ash's left eye is green and right eye is blue where as his brother's are the opposite way round and his brothers hair is an ash blonde not dark brown," I whispered. "And when the dream shifted it was his brother there not your dad..." Miss Felicity said observing the bruises. "He started ranting and raving that I belong to him and when he saw the tattoo he got really mad..." I couldn't stop the tears from flowing again, "he hit me and pinned me down and began to strangle me...I made the windows break and hurt his arm, when he let go I ran and shouted for Rose to wake me up and she heard me and it was over... but I shouldn't be hurt it was a dream wasn't it?"

Quick as a flash Professor H, a doctor, the nurse from earlier and a completely new teacher came in. Miss Felicity whispered what had happened to me to the people. First came the doctor and the nurse who looked at my bruises. "I'm glad the bruising is still fresh, drink this... it will get rid of it all in a few minutes, it'll help with the pain as well," the doctor said. I did as I was told and drank the milky coloured liquid, it was disgusting but my throat felt much better straight away. Then came Prof H, I described how real the dreams were even though I told myself it was a dream. He immediately said he had an idea about what it is but had to do some more research and with that he ran off.

Finally was the new teacher. "Amelia this is Professor Williams... she teaches Charms and Curses, a lesson you'll have that lesson in your second year. The professor gently took my wrist. "This is a lovers binding charm for definite however it's slightly unusual... in a way he'll be able to keep his eye on you and know when you're feeling sad or scared etcetera," she explained, "but this one has a seal breaker on it!" She held out her palm to face me and closed her eyes. "You're true powers were sealed away, everything you've been doing up to now was the tip of the iceberg... this charm in a sort.. awakens your gifts," she said in awe. I looked up to Miss Felicity... she was smiling.

"You're bruises are gone," Rose said. I looked up at the clock above the door. It seems all the clocks are above doors... 7:15 am. "Time for breakfast," I sighed. "Oh Amelia, come see me in your free period this afternoon so the doctor can check you again!" Miss Felicity said once again smiling. We went to open the door and again as a few days earlier, Loki was sat by the door waiting for us. He never goes in Miss Felicity's office for some reason.

Breakfast was nice. Scrambled egg, bacon and toast. I wasn't really in the mood for fruit for a change but I still had my orange juice and coffee. Of course I HAD to share with Loki... as usual he wasn't going to take no for an answer. Chase came into the canteen quite cheerfully. He had a whole different atmosphere from the first time I met him. At first I couldn't see him being a prince but the more you get to know him the more of a gentleman he becomes.

"You excited for today?" He asked us. "Three lectures and a work out... no thank you!" Rose laughed. "Lectures?" I said before taking out my timetable to look. Tutor, Necromancy, Magical History, D&O and Magical Ethics. Necromancy isn't a lecture class! "I know it's not supposed to be a lecture class but the teacher who teaches it can't even do Necromancy himself... so it's more like a lecture and every class a few students get a go and literally no one succeeds!" Rose explained. "Ahhh!" I said with a smile... that makes sense.

Chase looked baffled as usual. And as usual we just laughed. We laughed and chatted until it was 8:40, I must had drank 3 cups of coffee to try and compensate for the disturbed sleep last night and I was buzzing. I'm highly caffeinated as Rose would put it. With that we decided to head off to tutor early to make up for being late yesterday. We walked in to find Prof H with nose stuck in various dusty old looking books. "Ah I see the bruising has gone down," he remarked looking at my neck. "What bruising?" Chase asked. "Long story..." I said before Rose had to fill him in on last nights occurrences.

"You're a dream seer, it's a very ancient magic... people who can have visions in their dreams, there are many kinds of seers and usually people fit into one category however, you my dear have shown multiple divinatory abilities!" He explained sounding rather excited about it all. I just smiled and walked over to my desk. There was a small jewellery box on the desk as well as a black rose with a small card. "Ah the box is from Miss Felicity, when a female student shows an ability they get a charm for their bracelet," he said with a smile.

I opened the box to find a tiny charm of three cards. Divination obviously. A tiny chair for Telekinesis and a little glass bottle with liquid in it. Good old Al. I placed them onto my bracelet happily. "What about the rose?" I asked. The Professor just shrugged his shoulders with his head still in the book. I picked up the little card which read 'Amelia, yours forever... Ash. I dropped the card. Rose walked over and picked up the card. When she read it she took it to Prof H who then went into a frenzy. "He got into the Acadmey!" He shouted and ran down the corridor like a mad man.

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