Chapter Thirteen

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I looked at the clock. Time to get up. "Loki go wake up Rose," I whispered. Loki jumped over to her bed and started head butting her softly with loud purrs. "Good morning Loki," Rose yawned. I did the usual putting his food in his bowl, putting my uniform on, a little make up, did my hair (since it was in a good mood all I needed to do was brush it and leave it down) I put the 3 class books I needed in my bag along with my gym clothes and my journal that I had finally began writing in about the occurrences that have happened (power wise).

Breakfast flew by. I wasn't really hungry like I usually am (probably nerves) so I just had two small slices of toast and coffee... lots of coffee. Chase was no where to be seen... probably doing something or he over slept. We ate up and was about to head to class when Miss Felicity collared us into her office. "Before you go to class I wanted to warn you that there are two people observing your class specifically for the week to look at our curriculum etc... that's at least what we are telling the class Amelia, they're actually here to observe you and confirm that you are the previous royals families daughter..." she said with a sigh, "you need to use your powers, let them see your eyes... and your predictions, I've told them about your weather report... they laughed, especially with the fact it's glorious sunshine out there."

I laughed and told her that's nothing new. And with that we were off to class. Room 112. This place is set up just like my old college. First number is the floor and second number is the room so first floor room 12. Rose knocked on the door and went in, telling me to wait here... please don't tell me it's gonna be one of those American introduction crap things... hi I'm Amelia I like coming up with crazy predictions and taking down a giant cat! I heard her explaining to prof H that we were talking with Miss Felicity and that's why we're late. "Come in Miss Blackwood," he said quite cheerfully, "right I have two notices this morning, the first being we have a new student... everybody this is Amelia Blackwood!"

As I began to slowly walk in I felt a little fur ball rush in front of me and saw him jump onto the professors desk. He laughed and scratched Loki's head, "and this is Loki I presume... I've heard plenty about you!" The class had about 16 desks with only one spare. The spare one was at the front right side of then class by the window. Rose was sat next to it and Chase behind it. That looks like mine then. "Why does SHE get to keep a pet... stupid frigging cat!" I heard Cecilia scoff. I swear this girl has a death wish. Loki gave a large growl and grew to the ceiling.... "Loki.... calm down, you can't keep just doing this every time someone is a bitch!" I complained at him. I heard a couple of guys laughing at Cecilia... I was too busy trying to calm down the humongous cat to notice she was now hiding under her desk... shaking...

Loki seemed quite pleased and went back to normal. I turned back to the door on my left and there were a man and a women with clipboard's writing stuff... great... "Amelia, that desk over there is yours... you and Loki go take a seat," he chocked trying to conceal his laughter, "the other notice is we are going to be having two people observing this class for the week." They walked in, the women was wearing one of those ugly business suits, not the really smart/ sexy ones but the ridiculously frumpy Miss Trunchbull style, greasy silver hair in a bum and horrible circular lensed glasses. The man... looked like a perv and that he was thoroughly enjoying being in a school full of girls in short skirts and thin blouses... eww..

"Amelia, its 9:10 and its glorious sunshine..." Professor Henry remarked, "are you sure it's going to rain between 9:15 and 9:25?" I sighed. "As sure as I can be," I replied. Everyone just gave me a weird look as if wondering what on Earth he was going on about. Rose gave me one of those don't give up looks. Aghhh... come on it needs to rain... I don't want to be one of those people who's predictions never get believed in. I would not like to be like Cassandra... when no one believed her that Troy would fall, and then the Trojan horse came and she went mad in flames! A few dreary minutes of worrying and worrying and some more worrying until I heard a "whoa..." from someone in the class.

I turned my head to the window I was sat next to. Rain. Gentle little pitter patters on the window slowly turning into more and more. Everyone was in complete shock including myself... well apart from Rose. The Trunchbull and the perv nearly fell out of their chairs. Loki jumped on my desk and purred. Happy cat happy me. The rest of tutor was just me Rose and Chase talking whilst everyone including the observers and Prof H whispering and staring at me. Yay! Finally the bell rang. I followed Rose and Chase down the stairs to room 27 for Tk and was closely followed by my two new stalkers. Observing the class my arse, it was ridiculously obvious they were observing me... even if Miss Felicity wouldn't have told me I would have quickly clocked on like the rest of that class clearly had.

Room 27 looked like a store cupboard from the outside but as soon as you entered it was huge. It had a tall ceiling and reminded me of a flat theatre. The difference being there were only 16 chairs and the were spread out across the room. "Ahh and you must be Amelia," a rough voice said, "I'm Mr Johnson you're telekinesis teacher." He was tall and scruffy looking... nothing much more about him. "Right today we're gonna be lifting chairs, as you can see there is one chair each but could someone please demonstrate since this is all new to Amelia," he asked. Cecilia strutted over like she was the Queen of Sheba. More like the Queen of Hearts although, I'd prefer someone chopping her head off rather than vise versa.

"I can do it Mr Johnson," she boasted whilst twirling her hair. Her voice was once again sickly sweet. God someone needs to punch this girl... let's just hope it's not me who does the punching... well as my not so dad used to say. You can take the girl out of Rochdale but you can't take Rochdale out of the girl. Ack... I actually said it. Yes I'm from that god awful place... well actually I'm from a small village just outside of Rochdale but still... the moment someone knows you're from Rochdale you're treated like a thug, a drug dealer, a slag etc. It may sound paranoid but it's true. I learnt this when I went to Ibiza with my parents and my sisters... I really need to stop calling them that considering non of them will ever recognise me again.

I went to the kids club at the hotel and won a prize, so in the evening I went on stage to get my prize along with the other kids. They were all asked where their from and they said pretty specific places but everyone still cheered for them. Then it came to me... and I said Rochdale. No one cheered other than my parents and everyone didn't want me near their children. Like literally I tried to make friends... their parents told them they couldn't play with me! My only friend was a girl called Alice and her family, they were the only non judgmental family there.

Like seriously... how can people be so judgmental when we were in a cheap 3 star hotel which wasn't that great and what is wrong with people, teaching their children to judge other children just because of where they live. I may be from Rochdale and that place may have a ridiculously high crime rate including drugs, murders and even sexual grooming... but does that make me specifically a bad person. Nope. In fact I do everything I can to stay away from what the whole of England believes people from Rochdale to be.

Anyway the Queen of Hearts just had to show off. One chair each he said but noooo... she just had to go and show off didn't she. Three chairs... she just HAD to lift THREE chairs. There was a small applause as she smugly curtsied at her 'audience'. God even the stalkers were impressed. I sighed. She then proceeded to bump into my shoulder as she walked past. I could knock her over... I think I could even make it look an accident... bad Amelia! Don't do it because then you'll be no better than her. "Amelia, your turn!" Mr Johnson said as he clapped his hands. Great... I could try and beat what she did. But no.. focus on one chair!

You're new to this and there is no way you could lift more than one. Right chair... lift... I have no idea what I'm doing... Mr Johnson laughed, "just close your eyes and picture lifting a chair in your mind." Okay... I closed my eyes and pictured a chair floating. "Amelia... you're picturing lifting ONE chair right?" I heard Mr Johnson ask kinda weirdly. "Yeah... one chair just like you said!" I said optimistically. I guess nothing is happening. I opened my eyes to see... WAIT WHAT? One... two.. three... ALL OF THEM!!! "Cool, is everyone lifting one?" I asked, it was such an amazing sight. Who'd ever thought I'd be stood here with a bunch of floating chairs. "Amelia... you're the only one... you're the one doing this..." Mr Johnson stuttered.

"There is no way I could do that by myself, someone's got to be playing a prank or something!" I laughed. The perv walked over. "There's only one way to find out... in your head make them do something, no one will be able guess what you're going to make them do so it'll determine whether this is fake or not," he said... god even his voice sounded like a perv. But the perv had a point. Okay something no one can think of... how about making them turn upside down... spin clockwise whilst moving anti-clockwise! Bet no one would think of that! I looked back up at the chairs... "NO FRIGGING WAY!" I shouted.

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