Chapter Twenty Eight

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I opened my eyes to find myself back in Ash's room. "Amelia," he said relieved, "I'm glad you're awake... how are you feeling?" I sat up and blinked a couple of times trying to come round properly. "Strange, I feel strange," I whispered. He sat on the bed beside me, pulling me on to his lap to hold me close. "You will do, you've been through quite a transformation," he whispered as he began stroking my hair. "You're going to have to spend the rest of today and tomorrow resting, I'd love to leave you here where I can keep my eye on you but it has already been three hours since I brought you here," he explained, "and you're headmistress will want you back."

He helped me on my feet and passed me my boot heels to put on. My uniform was folded up neatly and currently in a plastic bag for me to take with me. "You ready?" He questioned to which I nodded as my reply. He placed his hand on my waist and we left. The moment we got back into Miss Felicity's office there were gasps of shock. I looked over to see his Royal arsehole standing there. "E...Evangeline?" He stuttered in confusion. I looked over to Ash again and asked, "what's he talking about?"

"Look in the mirror," he whispered. I walked over to take a look. Just as the king had said I looked exactly like my mother, I always looked like her but my hair had changed from its deep burgundy to its original ash brown and it had grown in length down to touch my backside. "How?" I queried, twirling the gentle waves my hair was in. "It's just a side effect but I want you to keep it natural from now on... you have to remember who you are," he sighed, "you're parents would have wanted your hair like this."

I liked it but I always viewed the burgundy as my coat of armour... I guess this will have to do though. "She needs a lot of rest and to stay relaxed, she needs to learn to control her temper or..." Ash went silent for a minute and looked at me, "I am not sure what may happen but it would be a lot worse than earlier." He came over to me and hugged me from behind. Miss Felicity walked over with pure determination on her face. "I have a proposition," she said with a smirk. Ash looked intrigued and gave her the look to continue.

"We have had to fire our necromancy teacher as he has been drinking on the job and was teaching false facts to the students... and seeing that one of our pupils actually can use necromancy she needs a real teacher to show her the way," Miss Felicity explained, "I was wondering if you could fill the position... you might be able to help with your brother and the vampire situation too." His face was a picture. So was mine. "I want to be able to see her outside of class too," he haggled. Miss Felicity thought about it and replied, "one free period a week will be used as an extra lesson and if you bump into her outside of that you can speak with her... no fraternising with her though!"

Thank god for that rule. He happily went with her to get settled in leaving me and the Royal pain alone. He didn't say anything, he just walked over to me taking my head in his hand and brought me awkwardly into a hug before leaving. It must be the hair. I finally left the room and started thinking about Rose to try and find her. She quickly replied to say she was on her way to the canteen for tea so I stood outside waiting for her. The moment she spotted me she came running up for a hug.

"Your hair looks awesome, what happened?" She squealed. "No idea... Ash said it was a side effect of some sort and guess what!!!" I laughed. She thought for a moment but could come up with it. "Ash has been given the position as the new necromancy teacher!" I said happily, "and Miss Felicity has told him if he tries to lip rape me again he'll be fired!!!" She laughed her head off, "so then... what's making you happier, the fact he's not allowed to kiss you or the fact you'll see him more often?"

I blushed in embarrassment. "Come on... let's get something to eat," she giggled and dragged me into the canteen. Chase was sat there ready and waiting. "Amelia, you're hair?" Chase said baffled by the new look. "Long story," I laughed as we went off to get some food. Loki came from no where and plonked himself on the table whilst we ordered our food. "Sorry I haven't been around much today Loki," I whispered giving him a good scratch behind the ear.

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