Chapter Twenty Four

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The last two days had flown by a little too fast. Thursday was a blur, but a fun blur. Mythical creatures was awesome since Professor Gilmore did the whole lesson on demon cats... Loki spent the hour sat on his desk being a demonstration and getting tonnes of treats as well as chin rubs! Mentalist Magic was also really cool, we learnt about Harmonising and how to make people feel a certain way by changing the atmosphere... today's feeling was fear and I was a little too good at that. What with changing the sky to dark and making lots of fire I scared the teacher let alone the pupils.

Swimming was... well, swimming and and in Domestic magic we learnt how to charge water to use for blessings and cleansing stuff! Then today came the dreaded day of the new moon. We've done gym, mythology was done as well and I was currently 'strengthening my core' in Pilates. The sun was shining down as I lay there doing my stretches. Sergeant Miller blew the whistle to let us know class had ended. I rolled up my mat and put it into the basket with the others. I was about to go off with Rose when I spotted a certain blonde haired, green eyed gentleman eyeing me up from across the courtyard. I yanked Rose's arm to bring her over.

"Jasper, what brings you here?" I said with a smile. "He's thinking you look cute in your gym clothes," Rose laughed and he turned a shade of red. "That's what you meant about thinking the other day... your clairvoyant!" Jasper chuckled. "Shhhh... don't tell Chase, I haven't broke it to him yet!" She begged. He gave her a wink and said, "your secret is safe with me... I'm guessing your Rose and let me tell you my brother is completely smitten with you!" Now she was turnings red. "I told you!!!" I giggled, "so anyway Jasper back to the first question!"

"Father has commanded I court you today and make sure you are safe!" He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Why do I need protecting if I'm going to get kidnapped for a definite and I HAVE to go with him or I'll die?" I queried. "No idea, but I enjoy spending time with you so I wasn't going to turn down the opportunity," he laughed. Smooth Jasper... real smooth. 'Rose' I thought 'what say we have a little fun?' She couldn't contain her laughter. "How do you do that, I can barely read your mind all day and as soon as you want me to hear something I do?" She giggled.

"What do you want to do then... divine?" She asked. "How about we tease with the devil?" I giggled malevolently, picturing Seth in my head. "You are not going to find away to pick on the guy who's going to kidnap you?" She complained. "Noooo.... of course not..." I laughed, "I'm just going to find his location and give it to Jasper's dad so that when he kidnaps me... they can come and get me!" Jasper shook his head. "No you are not, my dad may be ridiculous but not that ridiculous," he sighed.

"Fine then... let's find out what he actually wants with me then!" I offered. They seemed to like the idea. "I'll get the cards!" Rose beamed. "I'll get my brother," Jasper muttered. "And I'll get the coffee!" I cheered. Within a few minutes we all met up at the old oak tree and I placed my cards out. Before we could start his Royal pain in the arse showed up with Miss Felicity. "I thought we might find you here after seeing Rose run off with your cards," she chuckled, "what are you asking?"

I sat there and twiddled my thumbs. "Errrmm... I'm kinda, sorta asking what Seth actually wants with me," I said quietly. "Seth being the man who's coming tonight?" She queried to which I nodded before she continued, "okay you might as well go ahead seeing that I doubt if I told you not to you'd not listen." I grinned and continued. "May the light guide me to the answers I wish to seek," I spoke the incantation before asking, "what is it that Seth wants with me?" I picked a few cards and turned them over. "Lust, Complicated and cycles?" I questioned, "I have no idea... wait."

I turned over another card which caught my attention. "Here we go again..." I sighed at the Vision card. I touched the new moon on the cycles card and opened my eyes to nothing but darkness. "The only way a necromancer can be born is if one of the parents is one... you are needed to procreate a dying species... be careful little one," I heard my fathers voice, "he will try to take you!" I opened my eyes back to the tree. "He wants me to procreate a dying species, my father just told me," I said looking up to Miss Felicity, "he warned me Seth may try to.... you get the gist."

"That's not what you said Amelia...." Jasper whispered. "It... it was Evangeline.... you spoke in her voice..." His father stuttered. "What... my mum spoke through me?" I questioned, "what did she say?" I looked at them frantically. "She warned us... she said the vamp that scratched you became intoxicated with your blood," Rose said looking pale, "he's coming sometime tonight... he's coming to eat you and then you went to your voice and did the the whole 'wants its prey, royal blood' again."

I honestly couldn't remember any of it. And then it hit me... I was going into another vision. There he was, I think Ash said his name was Casper. The same time as Seth will come but not together... throughout the chaos, he starts the fire not Seth... HE hurts Rose and then bites me. Seth is filled with rage but Casper gets away, I lay there on the ground by Seth's feet and out of fear he grabs me and takes me away. "Dear love of God how could I be so foolish!" I cried, looking back at them all, "it's Casper who will set fire to the Academy and hurts Rose... he will bite me and there is absolutely no way to change this... I will be bitten..." The words spiral in my head as I collapse to the floor in a daze.


"AMELIA!" Rose screamed as her friend falls to the ground unconscious. She feels her head to find her burning up. "She's got a fever," she whispered. Jasper came closer and lifted her into his arms. "If... if she's bitten then won't she?" Chase asked looking over to his father. "Not necessarily, he has to drain every drop of blood from her body and even then he must do an energy transfer," the King explained to his worried sons, "the chances of him getting enough time is low but we cannot be sure."

Jasper carried her back towards the Academy followed by everyone. There were many whispers from the crowd everyone passed. He heard her mumbling something in her dreamed state. "Whispers and secrets," she uttered and dazed off. "Miss Felicity, she just said whispers and secrets... what does she mean?" He asked her before walking into the office and lying her on the chaise longue. "She said that in one of her visions..." Miss Felicity explained but it was Rose who recited the whole thing.

"The words are spiralling in her head with every thought.... 'Deathly pale, wakes at night, tall and male, vicious bite, sealed away, wild Rose bud, wants its prey, royal blood... Coming soon, deadly spell, black new moon, no way to repel... whispers and secrets, out of control, the necromancer wants back what he stole!' Over and over again in her head and always whispering, whispers and secrets," Rose explained, "wait a minute... she's calling for me."

Rose walked over to the chaise longue to try and hear her properly, ignoring the fact that Chase was completely baffled. "She's saying... it's not her... it's the woman that spoke through her before... she's begging for us to protect her because if Seth finds out one of her gifts she will never be allowed to leave his side," Rose cried. "What's the gift!" The King growled desperate to know. "Father that doesn't take a genius to figure it out!" Chase replied bluntly. "What did you say boy?" He challenged. Jasper got in between them, "father he's right... a person who is dead is speaking though her, the only people that can do that are..."

"Necromancers..." the room whispered, not even uttering a single word and watching a most peculiar girl unconscious a waiting a doctor to come along to help the raging fever taking over her mind. 'A most peculiar girl indeed,' Rose thought after hearing everyone think it and she would do anything to protect that girl just as she did to protect her...

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