Chapter Twenty One

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D & O class was amazing. I had way too much fun kicking some guys arse! It seems my reflexes all of a sudden was ridiculous and I evaded every attack the poor guy tried. I on the other hand hit him easily with my TK every time. Sergeant Miller taught us how to create these orbs of light in our hands which can be used to stun opponents, which was awesome! Unfortunately, the class finished way too early for my liking but we needed to get changed ready for our ethics class.

Ethics was good too. Basically it's all about when offence Magic should be used and how it should be used. Kind of ironic after learning how to knock ten bells out of someone. However, it was an interesting lesson to listen to and I throughly enjoyed it since it's all about debates and opinions and I am the queen of debates since I'm too stubborn to see others points. Unfortunately, again it went too quickly leaving me with the free period I was completely dreading. Miss Felicity brought me out of class a few minutes early to go for this god awful courting thing.

I walked into her office to find a smartly dressed young man waiting for me. He rose from his seat and gave me a brilliantly fake smile, "Miss Blackwood... it's a pleasure to meet you." I gave him a taste of his own medicine and gave him a fake smile back. He took a step back and then gave a genuine laugh... much better. "I've got a room free for you both to spend some time together," Miss Felicity said, taking us both into a room a few doors from her office and leaving us to it.

"So then... what do you do when courting?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders, "talk I guess... I'm Jasper by the way." He offered me his hand which I took and shook. "I know, you're brother told me your name... I'm Amelia," I laughed. "My dad told me," he laughed back. "Well this is absolutely and utterly awkward as hell," I giggled. He gave me a genuine smile. There was a pot of tea waiting so I offered. He took the pot from me and made it like Miss Felicity does.

"I so need to learn how to do that!" I complained. "So all this is new to you?" He asked. I nodded and replied, "only found out that magic was real on Friday... only found out my parents weren't actually my parents on Saturday." The cup and saucer floated towards me and I took it. "You've had it rough," he sighed but soon perked up when he asked, "any affinities yet?" I smiled and took a sip. "A few actually... I can divine and I have visions, I'm also something called a dream seer so I have visions in my sleep," I explained, "I had one last night and I got strangled... they had to give me this weird potion because I actually had really bad bruising, I got scratched by a vampire in one previous to that and got this."

I showed him my war wound when I took off the plaster. "They can actually hurt you through the visions..." he exclaimed. "Seems so," I sighed, "oh I also found out today I'm something called a storm caller." He almost spat out his tea and remarked, "they're just a myth!" I laughed and shook my head. "Apparently I'm the first one to be born in over three thousand years!" I giggled, "let's test it!" I said 'rain but only gentle' and as quick as I said it, clouds rolled in and a gentle pitter patted of rain began.

It stopped and the clouds disappeared as quickly as they came. "That is awesome," he smiled. "What about you?" I asked. He took a sip out of his own tea before replying, "I'm an Elemental, I control wind but I am also an Elenchus... which means I can tell when someone is lying, it's a form of mentalist magic." I put my tea down to the side of me and squealed, "no way... that is so cool, you should work for the police or something!"

"That's exactly what I wanted to do but my father wouldn't allow it, he says I have to accept my responsibility as the next King," he complained, "what's that on your wrist?" Oh great he noticed. "It happened when I was in a vision... a man everyone calls the necromancer put it on me," I explained with a sigh, "apparently I was born to be his bride even though I'm not sure about it all, his brother is after me... that's who killed my real parents." He put down his tea and came over to inspect it.

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