Chapter Twenty Nine

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"You've just proven you are definitely a Necromancer and you may have now a possessed little girls ghost chasing after you if you use the board again," Ash said taking a deep breath trying to calm himself, "I've never met such a malevolent spirit and I have met some bad ones." I couldn't believe his words. "Lily is not malevolent I can tell... it's the thing that was behind her that's the issue," I argued. Rose looked at me. "Behind her?" She questioned. "You... didn't see it?" I asked in disbelief, how couldn't they have seen the black mass clinging to the little girl.

"There as a black mass... it was like it was attached to her," I whispered. I grabbed my coffee from behind me and took a sip, taking the planchette off the board and handing it to Ash. "I'll do some research on the girl and her links to the academy," Ash marvelled as he looked at me, "you are incredible... you need to spend the rest of the day relaxing." I agreed and got up from my seated position, walking out of the room with Rose and Chase. We spent the rest of the day doing exactly what he had said however all day I felt as if I was being watched.

I thought it was the pupils or Cecilia but Rose said no one was looking at us and the queen of hearts was no where to be seen. I kept looking high and low to try and find someone that was watching but as Rose said no one was there. I felt strange. Uncomfortable. And nothing I did could shake off the feeling. I then tried to ignore it which seemed to work. I felt fine after that as if nothing had even happened. We ate our tea and headed back to our dorms for an early night, ready for classes tomorrow.

I could tell Rose and Chase were having a moment so I told her I'll go for a small walk to catch my breath before bed, which she was grateful for. I found myself in the courtyard, sitting on one of the benches and looking at the crescent moon which was peeking through the clouds occasionally when I heard a giggle. My attention drew to the little girl hiding behind one of the pillars around the outside of the courtyard. "Lily," I whispered to myself. She peered out and began to skip towards me, her pale translucent body seeming to glow in the moonlight.

"He really really likes you princess," she giggled. I looked at her in confusion. "You mean the demon that's attached to you?" I questioned. She nodded, "he wants you to play... I want you to play too!" I got up and crouched to her level. "But Lily don't you want to see your mummy and daddy?" I asked gently, "I'm sure they're missing you and this demon is what's keeping you here... you're only stuck with him if you choose to be and I'm sure you must want to be at rest."

I saw little tears come from her eyes. "Stop it... you'll make him mad," she sniffled. "I do not intent to get you hurt Lily but if you let him go he won't be able to hurt you anymore!" I pleaded, "look whatever you may be that's attached to her, dead or not she is a child... let the poor girl go!" The black mass attached to her shifted to the shape of a body and moved towards me. A deep hoarse voice croaked from the being, "I...... will... leave... her soon."

"You sound like you haven't spoken in a long long time.... I refuse to play so long as you keep her in this world, she belongs with her parents," I whispered, not looking up at the black masses face. I got up from my crouched position and began to walk away. "Goodbye Lily," I said with a gentle smile, looking back at her. The mass seemed to float quickly past me catching my arm as it did and the disappeared a long with Lily. I felt a little dizzy all of a sudden but quickly brushed it off and headed back to the dorm.

When I got in I began looking for my sleeping pills. I checked everywhere I could have left them including exactly where I was sure to put them but they weren't there. Eventually I gave up and decided that I'd just have to put up with the visions for the night. Rose practically jumped in and was telling me they Chase kissed her on the cheek goodnight which made me so excited for her I completely forgot to tell her about what happened in the courtyard. Instead we both went to bed, ready to start our lessons again tomorrow morning.

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