Chapter Fourteen

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Just as I had imagined the chairs were upside down, individually spinning clockwise whilst all moving anti-clockwise in a circle. I was thinking how cool it all looked before it actually dawned on me. "Oh my god it is me doing that isn't it?" I managed to find my voice. I turned to see Rose. She looked really excited. Cecilia on the other hand looked totally pissed off. I didn't mean to... how the hell when I said in my head ONE CHAIR do I end up with sixteen going around in circles like a bunch of ballerinas. I quickly thought I need to get these chairs down but I most certainly didn't want to break them... especially the fact I've already broken Miss Felicity's office windows which I'm glad to say we're now fixed. She's right I do need to learn how to fix that.

I closed my eyes once more and thought of the chairs all being back in the places they were which thankfully, when I opened them again they were. "Amelia, what did you score on then test?" Mr Johnson asked. Oh great... "errrm I'm not completely sure myself.." I replied,  putting my right hand behind my left hiding the ring. Rose laughed, walked over to me, grabbed my hand and showed the ring. Dam... thought I was going to get away with that! There was quite a few wow's and some oohs and I definitely heard a 'tsk' from my new 'best friend'. "So you scored over 500, don't be shy what was your score!" Mr Johnson was extremely enthusiastic... I on the other hand was not.

"They don't quite know..." I replied, praying to get out of this humiliation, "I kind of... broke... the thing..." The Trunchbull dropped her clipboard. "Now young lady this isn't a joke, just tell us your score!" She scoffed. Great she definitely thinks I'm a fake and she looked like she was ready to strangle me. Luckily Chase stepped in and said, "It's true, the ball couldn't take it and the circuits blew, at least that's what Miss Felicity told us... they said she was definitely over a thousand but they couldn't pin an exact number!" He explained. Great now they're all gonna think I'm some freak. "Over... a... thousand..?" The Trunchbull looked like she was going to faint as she stuttered the words out of her mouth. Actually never mind her... I felt like I was going to faint! "Never in the history of magic has anyone ever scored over a thousand...." Mr Johnson said as the woman sat on a chair, "Exceptional..."


The end of Telekinesis couldn't come quick enough. Everyone just sort of stared at my for while before Mr Johnson made everyone start lifting chairs. I just sat on my chair for the rest of the class... I'd had enough. But that didn't stop everyone from turning around to gawp at me every once in a while. Eventually the bell had rang and Rose, Chase and I went back to Prof H for Divination. As much of a relief it was to get out of there, I was not happy about divination. I mean after yesterday and just now I didn't not want to go and cause even more of a uproar with purple eyes and rhyming words!

Luckily I had absolutely no idea where my cards were so I can avoid using them. We climbed the stairs to the second floor and went to room 223. As we went in there was lots of white candles and Professor H was burning some kind of herbs. Sage and rosemary I could definitely which makes sense. From my love for books like the House of Night etc. I know that sage is used to cleanse a space and protect the people in it and rosemary helps you focus however, the other scent...I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I sniffed the air as I walked passed him. "It's rose, it helps with psychic awareness and divination.. we learn all about herbs/plants and their magical properties in domestic class," Rose explained as we sat down, the class were sat in a similar set up as in tutor.

We all sat in the same areas. As I sat and put my blazer on my hair and Loki plonked himself by the big windows next to where I sat. In fact the only difference was literally the candles and the smudge stick smoking in a bowl. "Right everyone, today we are all going to actually try and do a card reading... everyone has a different preference on cards, some people like tarot cards, others wisdom cards etcetera," he said cheerfully... I don't have my cards so I can't join in... "everybody pick the cards that you feel drawn to and become associated with them!" With that everyone went and grabbed a pack of cards... apart from me. Well I went up but non of them called to me so I sat back down.

Cecilia burst out into laughter when I didn't pick up any of the various packs of cards... I thought about smacking her against a wall again but once again came to the conclusion that that's a bad idea. After a few minutes one person at a time had to lay out their cards on the professors desk but time after time nonsense answers were picked up. Until it was left with me. "Amelia... I have you're cards here.." the professor said, holding my box of cards... great. "No way... not after yesterday!" I laughed. I was about to walk out of class when Cecilia started laughing again. Now I was pissed off! "Aghhh... fine but I need some space!" I replied quickly, Prof H seemed quite happy.

Everyone was sat at the front of the desks and I needed them to move back but to do that the desks would have to move. Then I had an idea. I put my hand in front of me and willed the desks and chairs to carefully move to the back of the class out of the way. Thankfully they did as I asked and with that everyone moved giving me some space. I carefully placed the cards in a three tiered semi-circle, grabbed the candles and placed them in four corners surround myself and the cards and finally grabbed the smudge stick and the bowl it was residing in. The Prof set alight to the herbs which I quickly blew out again to get the smoke. I breathed in the smoke. I wasn't entirely sure what to do because I've only ever heard of smudge sticks and never used them before. I then picked it up and wafted the smoke around me and the cards hoping it would help somehow.

"Your question?" I asked the professor, still agitated that I'd been fooled into even doing this. "Continue from yesterday," he replied. Oh great this is not going to go down well. "As I saw yesterday chaos is coming into the Academy, I wish to know what is meant by this..." I took a deep breathe, "May the light guide me to the answers I wish to seek." As yesterday I was instantly drew to a selection of cards. I picked them out and laid them out in front of myself. There was no past or present. These were all for the future. I turned my first card.

"Forbidden, it's a warning... for me, there's someone or something I need to stay away from," I said as I went to the next card, "choices, basically my choices could change events for good or bad." I then went on to pick out 'complicated' and explained well.. the obvious. Two cards left. "Message... like the vision card from yesterday I need to pick up another card but I'm only drawn the the next card... basically I'm going to have some kind of message, could be the next card could be in the near future," I said as I picked up the card. I suddenly had an awful feeling I knew what the last card will be. I turned the final card over.

"Please no... I can't do this again..." I moaned, "it's vision again..." I rubbed my head knowing full well of the headache to come. "Amelia someone needs to touch you to force the vision since you won't willingly," he said rather strictly. I guess they need more of an insight into what happened yesterday. "Alright alright... you don't need to force it to happen... just give me a minute please!" I begged for a moment before going though god knows what. "Amelia you need to hold onto yourself this time, I have a feeling you're visions are more than just words but you need to keep yourself awake and try to remember what you see..." he said gently. I felt more at ease now. I picked up the 'message' card and touched the scroll on the picture. "Whispers and secrets..." I myself whispered as I closed my eyes...

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