Chapter Four

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The girl walked in dressed in rather rebellious attire. Burgundy red hair and dark blue sapphire eyes just as Emily had described her. She was wearing high waist denim shorts, low dernier black tights, a black leather jacket and a burgundy crop top making her tattoo visible... a beautiful circlet of flowers with writing around and what appeared to be the deathly hallows... great a Harry Potter fan... well this is going to go down well. She was wearing a plum coloured lipstick that matched her hair and top perfectly. But all this was an act... to a teenage girl she'd look confrontational and full of herself but an adult notices her kind eyes and sweet smile. She was just a confused and worried young girl trying to fit in. Who would have ever thought this girl bares the power I believe her to have...


"Hello Amelia," the women said with a big grin, "I am Felicity Pendleton your headmistress, welcome to St Dorothy's!" The headmistress seemed a very cool sort of lady. She had long brown hair done into a side plait and had deep brown eyes. She didn't need any make up because of her naturally long eyelashes and soft pink lips. I waved in acknowledgement as I was kind of in awe of her being so young and beautiful and also by the beautiful marble floor and stairs that was the Academy's entrance.

Huge bouquets of flowers in large pots that seemed to be a mixture of lavender, roses and tulips filled the room making it seem light and airy. "You may call me Miss Felicity... we have lots to talk about so follow me, we'll go to my office and have a chat with a nice cup of tea!" She said happily as she walked up the stair case. As I put my foot onto the first step a bell rang. Voices appeared from above me. As I walked up the stairs it became apparent that what looked to be an empty school was suddenly full of students walking around, talking, laughing. However the moment I walked onto the floor above the stairs everyone stopped. Like seriously. They all shut up, turned their heads and gawked at me as if I was part of a traveling circus... and I knew why.

Every single one of them... were completely frigging natural... not a dyed head, bright pink lips or orange face anywhere! Great, what with my tattoos, my hair, my lipstick and eyeliner I look like a frigging goth compared to the gentle princess look these girls have got going! "Good afternoon Miss Felicity!" I heard a bubbly yet snooty voice say. It belonged to some posh girl with blonde hair. She had a sickly sweet smile that matched too perfectly with her horrible sickly perfume. She curtsied at Miss Felicity and walked my direction. She gave me another of her smiles as she walked past me... purposely bumping into my shoulder. "Excuse me.." I laughed at her challenge.

The one mistake she made is NEVER challenge an Aries. "You should really watch where your going newbie!" She scoffed. I haven't got time for this. I waved my hand as if declining her challenge to me as I said, "whatever..." I turned my head to see that the girl was sat against the wall as if she had been thrown across the room. All I could hear was the gasps of everyone around me. "What..?" I questioned looking at Miss Felicity. "Amelia quickly with me to my office... everyone back to where you need to be," she said quickly whilst grabbing my arm, "NOW!" And with that all of the students dispersed. I could here a few of them saying things like 'who is she?' And 'shh she doesn't know yet!' Then as I was yanked into the office I heard someone say 'but with that power.... how could she not know...'


I sat with a cup of tea on a chair in front of the headmistress' desk. She sat observing me for a while before saying, "Amelia.... do you believe in magic?" I burst out laughing. "Look I may adore Harry Potter but I am not going to turn around and believe anyone who tells me they're truly are spells and potions and monsters in this world!" I scoffed though the words left a bad taste in my mouth as if telling myself I am wrong. She chuckled lightly. "Then what do you believe happened out there?" She asked gently. I took a moment to think before saying, "I'm not really sure... one minute she was bumping into me on purpose and the next she was on the other side of the room, it was like... magic," I slowly replied to her in sudden realisation, "but who could do something like that?"

She smiled putting me at ease, then stared into my eyes as if hinting... "Who do you think?" She replied as if suggesting... "me..." I said absolutely baffled by it all. But how can I, just some mediocre girl do something like... like that! "Have you ever done something that has made even you believe in magic?" She asked looking quite eager to know. I pondered in thought for a moment until there was a knock on the door. "Ahhh come in!" Miss Felicity said quite cheerily. The door opened revealing a girl with a very familiar luminous pink hair... "ROSE!" I screamed in excitement. She ran over and gave me a massive hug. "What the hell are you doing here, I thought you'd gone back to university..." I said suddenly realising. "I lied about uni... I come here!" She said giving me yet another hug.

"Oh my god we're going to the same place!" I jumped for joy, "wait a minute does that mean you can use..." She gave her usually warm and gentle smile. "Magic yeah..." she said looking ashamed for keeping it a secret but excited by it all. "Amelia and Rose come and sit down we need to explain it all to her," Miss Felicity interrupted trying to get our attention. We did as we were told, as lovely as the headmistress is she seems the kind you don't want to upset. "Once again, have you ever done something that made you believe in magic?" She continued. I shook my head. Me and magic don't seem like a good combination.

"You big fibber!" Rose said in such a way I couldn't help but laugh. "What do you mean Rose?" Miss Felicity asked turning to face her. "If anyone's got magic in her veins it's this one, she's a dab hand at divination!" She smiled looking really enthusiastic. The headmistress raised one of her eyebrows in curiosity as if telling her to continue. "You mean the rain thing... I only get lucky with that!" I said thinking oh got how can that be magic. "She can predict rain?" She said completely baffled by the notion. "Only kind of but I tell you what I scared that taxi driver with it!" I said making Rose now burst into laughter. "I'll call him later to confirm that one," she said.

"Oh and she's good with cards," Rose continued, "Like divination cards... she always gets a valid answer even with things that only the person she's doing it for knows!" I shook my head and smiled, "but only after a glass of wine or two." Miss Felicity smiled, "the telekinesis is a general thing but to be able to move an object let alone a person before you've even began learning about magic is certainly different and divination is always a great skill to have however, I have a feeling you have more powers that we will become aware of in the future," She took a sip of her tea before continuing, "Rose take your new roommate to your room and get her a copy of your time table, I think it's best I keep you two together!" Her smile was content as we left the room. She said I will have more powers as I learn. What more powers I wonder? But if there's one thing I do know is that if Rose is here this place is gonna be awesome!

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