Chapter 3

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The next morning I met with Master Chow about our mission. I was shocked to see Tiny and Star standing outside the door to Master Chow's room.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask.

Star props herself on the edge of the door frame. "Would you believe that we're here for moral support?"

"Yeah we wanna help!" Tiny says with a little bounce.

I throw my hands up in surrender. "Alright," I sigh "what's two more?"

Together we open the door and go into the room. Master Chow has made a fresh pot of Chameleon tea for the occasion. He stirs the pot with a wooden spoon and gestures to a couch alongside the opposite wall.

"Welcome young ones, please come in, have a seat."

We all make ourselves comfortable while Master Chow pours us cups of Chameleon tea.

As soon as he finishes he folds his hands in his lap. "Now," he leans forward with a grin "let's get to the reason why you're here."

"Your assignment is to go find the four remaining Elementals and bring them here safely."

"Ok, that shouldn't be that hard." Tiny says "We can do anything."

"Incorrect little one." Master Chow replies with a shake of a finger "Each Elemental is located in a different area."

"So let's get to the point, who are we looking for and where are they?" Star asks.

"You ask the right question wolf child. The individuals you are looking for are Erde, Iris, Razor, and Blaze." He takes his staff and spreads out a map on the table in between us and proceeds to point out locations on it. "Erde is in the Jade Desert, Iris in the Crystal Swamp, Razor is found in the vicinity of the Palancar Plateaus, and Blaze lives around and in the Pyrus Volcanoes."

"That's...a lot of traveling." I say slowly.

Master Chow takes a long sip of tea "You would have had to find Maximo in Plasmaland, but that trip is no longer necessary."

"And why's that?" Star asks suspiciously.

Master Chow hesitates, but he collects himself and continues. "He was Dr. Rabies."

A dark feeling settles over the room and everyone went silent. The last time we encountered him it wasn't pretty.

I turn to Star and Tiny "If you guys don't wanna come I understand."

Star looks at me and crosses her arms. "Are you crazy? This is gonna be jam packed with adventure, of course I'm going!" She lowers her voice and turns sideways "It's boring around here without you anyway."

"I wanna save people just like you Essix! Come on please? I've been training on my ninja skills really hard!" Tiny says with puppy dog eyes.

I laugh and shake my head. "When did I acquire such stubborn company? Fine, sure, let's go save the world."

"Now since you have that matter settled, we need to discuss your plan. You should start with Erde, he is the closest one to here." Master Chow says while pointing to the desert on his map.

"Great, on the way we can pick up Briggan and Azula, so that's convenient." I remark.

"Then your next path of action is to find Iris, then Razor, and lastly Blaze." Master Chow pauses and his expression darkens "Finally the hardest part of your mission is to free Maximo."

He points to a dark colored place on the map. "This is Dr Rabies' new research facility. It is located in the Pyrus Valley, a harsh and unforgiving landscape. There are guards stationed around the compound, and worse of all, Dr. Rabies has produced a control collar even more powerful than the one you were experimented on with Essix. Unfortunately, now he controls Maximo with it."

My hand automatically went to my neck. I remember how painful those were, and how Dr Rabies could make you do anything he wanted. Sometimes I still have nightmares of me being controlled and I attack my family and friends; then I normally wake up screaming and scare everyone in the house. I didn't want anyone else to have to go through that.

"We'll save him." I say determinedly.

"We're going to break into a place like that, which is in what is basically a lava field, then we're going to save a mind controlled lightning wielding elemental; have we officially lost our minds?!" Star exclaims.

"Maybe, but we will save him. I won't let Dr. Rabies control anyone else like he controlled me." I reply.


Hey guys!!

So the adventure begins...
I'm excited to be writing another Essix story for you guys, I hope you've all enjoyed it so far!

As always please remember to vote, comment, and share!!

-----Your friendly neighborhood ScarletApollo99 *thwip* 😎

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