Chapter 28

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The next day I was eating an apple that Fern had given me when the door to my room suddenly opened. I jumped to my feet and launched myself into the air. I saw Dr Rabies as he entered my room and looked around confused. When he didn't see me he looked up, and as soon as he saw me he face broke out into an ugly smile "Essix. Good morning, stretching your wings I see?" I didn't say anything. I just stared down at him from where I was flying at the top of the ceiling. "Now why don't you be a good little fox and come down from there so we can get started." He said. "Get started on what exactly?" I asked. "Oh nothing special." Dr Rabies replied "Now come down and we'll begin." "I think I'm good up here." I replied. "Ok, suit yourself." Dr Rabies took out a remote and I was shocked severely. I was unable to stay in the air because of the massive shock and I plummeted to the ground. Once I hit the ground I mumbled "Crap. I forgot about that stupid collar."

"Now that I've got you down we can begin." Two guards came into the room and hesitated when they saw me." It's fine, she can't hurt you now." Dr Rabies replied. The two guards came over to me and picked me up. I tried to free myself, but my muscles wouldn't move. Dr Rabies saw the frustration on my face and smiled "Take her to test room Z." My heart dropped, nothing good could come from that. I was being dragged to my doom.



So I've been lazy with these author notes lately and I'm sorry. Summer's got me in a lazy mood. 😂

So instead I'll share what I did yesterday. Me and my best friend AshCat15 hung out at my house and watched the first Indiana Jones movie called Raiders of the Lost Ark. I love those movies and I'm sorry that I made you suffer through them pal. But thanks for putting up with em' for me. 😂

Anyway as always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please vote, comment, and share of you liked!!

ScarletApollo99's out!!

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