Chapter 23

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"Ouch!!" Briggan yelped. "I told you to be careful of steam vents." Blaze scolded. "Geeze, ok I'm sorry!" Briggan mumbled "Gosh Azula, looks like there's someone with as blunt an attitude as yours." We were traveling across the lava fields on the outskirts of Ashtown. The rock was solid, but every now and then a blast of steam would erupt from a crack in the surface. "Ooh, it sure is hot out here. How much farther Blaze?" Razor asked. "It's not much farther now." She replied. "But you said that an hour ago!" Iris whined. "Suck it up weaklings, you'll survive." Blaze snapped. "Man I like her." Azula said with a smirk.

Two hours later we finally stopped for a break. In the middle of the lava fields was an oasis. After we begged Blaze to death about a break she finally gave in and let us stop. All of us gulped down water like we've never seen water in our lives, then we settled in the shade of an overhanging rock to rest. Naturally we wouldn't get to rest long.

As soon as we got comfortable Erde shot up in alarm. "What is it?" I asked suddenly alert. "There's something coming." He replied. Erde knelt down and placed his hand on the ground, after a couple of minutes he stood back up in silence. "Well? What did you see?" Blaze asked.  "Dr Rabies is on his way here, and he's bringing a small army with him." Erde replied grimly. "We need to get moving ." I said. "No. Its too late. He's already on us." Erde said.


What's up fellow citizens of Wattpad?!

Your friendly ScarletApollo99's here with an all new chapter!!

Sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger, but I'm being lazy today. Sorry, fight me bros!! 😝

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!! As always thanks for reading and please vote, comment, and share!!

I love you guys and appreciate all the support!!

ScarletApollo99 out!!


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