Chapter 19

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After climbing for what felt like 20 years, we finally reached the top of the plateau. Tiny climbed down off my shoulders and flopped onto the ground "I'm tired!" "You're tired?" I picked Tiny up by his tail "You barely did anything! You got a free ride up the mountain with no effort from you at all!" Iris interrupted mine and Tiny's sibling squabble "Well we made it up here in two hours, good job guys. Razor should be back from his afternoon flight any minute now."

I looked around the top of the plateau. There wasn't anything impressive to see. Which you might guess since we're in the middle of nowhere, not to mention it's on the top of a plateau. There was a massive pool of water with a cave in the center of it, which I guessed was Razor's cave. "So where does Razor fly to?" Star asked. "He flies over the Stag Sea mostly. Occasionally he passes over the coastal areas and the other islands around here." Iris replied.

The others continued their conversation, but I broke off from them and looked into the pool of water. I sat there in silence and stared at my reflection, deep in thought. I noticed movement behind me. I turned around and saw Briggan behind me. "Oh, it's just you Briggan. I thought you were Dr Rabies, you really scared me there!" I said. Briggan tilted his head down shyly "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you Essix." "It's fine don't worry about it." I replied. I could tell he wanted to tell me something, but in a way I didn't want to hear it. " about earlier..." Briggan never got the chance to finish his statement. I noticed movement in the pool and I knew it had to be Razor. "Hey guys I think Razor's coming down!!" I yelled.

I felt bad for interrupting Briggan, but on the other hand I was glad because I avoided what he was about to tell me, at least for now. "Sorry Briggan, we'll continue this later ok?" I said while I ran over to join the rest of the group. " ok." Briggan replied slowly. As soon as I had turned around and was out of earshot Briggan mumbled quietly to himself "Man, why can't I just come out and say that I love her?" He then sighed and followed behind me like nothing had happened.


What's up readers?!

So I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I love writing for you guys, I hope you guys love reading my stories!!

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I love you all!! 😘💕


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