Chapter 27

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I don't know how long I was out. When I woke up I was in some sort of lab area. My head was throbbing. I tried to move, but my movements were sluggish, like I was in a block of jello or something. It took my mind a while to process what was going on, but eventually an idea popped into my head. I had been drugged, for what purpose, I don't know.

After what felt like forever, I heard a door open and a smaller female version of Dr Rabies walked in with an assistant. She came over to me "So this is Essix?" I slowly struggled to look up at her. "I'm sorry they drugged you," she said sympathetically "I can't stand it when they do that." She dug around in her lab coat pocket for something and a second later she brought out a pill. She looked around and then held it down to me "I'm not supposed to use this on you until later but here." I didn't move, I sat there staring at it. "I know you don't trust me, and it's ok if you don't, but that pill will dispel the drug that's affecting you." After a second of thinking I slowly reached out and grabbed the pill and swallowed it, which was hard because my throat was dry. "There you go." She replied with a smile "While we wait for it to take affect, I'll introduce myself. My name's Fern. I'm the head of the research lab, and this is my assistant Violet." Violet looked down at her watch "Time's almost up Fern." "Oh good, now the real fun begins!" Fern said excitedly. Fern and Violet placed me in a large room and quickly hurried out. I tried to standup and found that I could, that pill must have some really strong stuff in it. A loud voice over a speaker said "Test room A active." A second later a heard a clicking sound and for the best couple of hours I was forced to do things that tested my endurance, strength, reflexes, flight skills, etc.

When all of the tests were done Fern and Violet led me back to my room. I was exhausted, but as far as being captured goes, this time it was fine I guess. At least someone around here was nice, even if they did work for Dr Rabies. I don't think Fern was evil, but I'll still have to be careful around her.
Dr Rabies grinned at the files on his computer "Yes. It seems like Essix's power has increased significantly." He turned to his assistant "How long until Plan Z is ready?" The assistant glanced down at his clipboard "One day sir." "As in tomorrow or today?" "Today sir." "Perfect. Tell everyone to prepare themselves, Plan Z will commence tomorrow." "Yes sir." The assistant quickly bowed and walked out of Dr Rabies' office.


Hello fellow readers!!

Well looks like Essix may have made a friend, even if they do work for Dr Rabies. Oh well... 😅

As always guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please vote, comment, and share!!

I'd best get going now, I've got all of Wattpad City to save!!

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