Check Mate 💮

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Lucas POV

We loaded the car up and said our goodbyes to the remaining girls.

Seven: bring back my sister please." she said hugging me tight.

Me: I will." I said

Seven: hey.." she called pulling my arm.

Seven: you come back as well." she pressed.

Me: don't worry about me Sev." I said as I kissed her cheek and dapped Issa up.

Issa: stay safe man." I nodded and got in the van and drove off.


I laid curled up in a ball.

There was slight commotion outside the door, the door flew open and Q came to me. I groaned as he stormed over to me.

Q: get up" he snapped, he grabbed me and put me in a headlock putting a gun to my head. After what Karl did to me, I was mute, the brusining and the pain that coursed through me made me mute.

Q: walk." he said pushing us forward. One. Two. steps at a time we got to the entrance of the door...and I couldn't believe my eyes,

Me: june !" I yelled, snapping me out of my trance. Q squeezed tighter around my neck.

Me: ahh." I looked at Lucas who paused where he was.

June:: put my sister down man-"

Q: drop your guns!" he yelled.

June: y'all drop it.. Do what the man says." he said. They slowly dropped their guns leaving Q's men with the upper hand. Lucas was the only one who didn't budge. He had his gun on Karl.

Me: Lucas p-please." I said. I guess hearing my voice softened him up a bit, he threw his gun down and put his hands up like the others.

Karl looked at Geo and Junio then at me.

Karl: lemme see her." he said with a sly smirk. Q let me go and Karl snatched me up. He looked at Lucas who glared at him.

Karl: turn around your man I what I did." he said spinning me.

Lucas: I swear to god I will kill you." he yelled making Karl laugh some more. He slid a knife out of his pocket and pointed it at June.

Karl: here's the deal, I want everything y'all took from spare of..Cynnys life..." he said.

Karl: I want every dime, every cent, every dollar..I want everything each of you make, till I meet the money stand I had back in the day. Ya'll left me high and dry, and killed a piece of me in the process. I decided that killing Cyn would do me no good..shit I'd still be broke, so I changed it up a bit. I want the damn money." he said dragging out the word money.

The boys looked at him but didn't budge. They just stared at him. Karl's smile dropped and a dark expression took over.

Karl: alright then." he picked me up carrying me back to the room I was just in.

Karl: if you guys won't budge...I'll make you." with that he shut the door and laid me down.

Me: karl please not again."

Karl: shhh baby girl" he crawled on top of me and sat on my stomach pulling a knife out in the process.

Karl: let's persuade your BIG BROTHERS to take the deal i offered them." he yelled so they could hear. He placed the knife across my stomach and slashed to the right cutting me deep.

Lucas POV

We were pushed onto our knees, as the door closed. Sitting dazed. A piercing scream from the room where Cyn was, sent chills down my spine.

June: q..when this is all over..your dead." he said getting up.

Drebo: let her go man this has nothing to do with her." my brothers didn't know her but hearing any female cry for help like that got to all of us.

Q: if you guys would just accept the deal, he'll stop." he said on his phone

Cyn: please please please please I'll do anything..." she cried out, a scream followed after that. Bringing me back into reality.

Lucas: LET HER GO!" I yelled. Q looked up at me and laughed.

Q: gladly, pay up..till then sit and listen to poor lil baby cyn cry in pain." he said walking off.

She screamed again and I winced at how in pain she was.

June: you really gonna do this to her." June said looking at one of them men. He looked uneasy, almost as if he was gonna cry.

He ignored June and turned his back on him.

June: you helped me practically raise her!." he said yelling and standing up pointing to the gut guarding the door.

??: oh finally you recognize what I have done for you." he said turning around.

June: dude YOU FUCKED UP." he said walking over to the guy.

The guy put his hands up to the other guys that were about to tackled June

??: it was a MISTAKE! And then you killed her!." he said getting in June's face. You could tell by their exchange that they had some real unsolved business they hadn't finished.

June: DOM, my nigga you gettin at me through my sister for what, I'm right here." he threatned.

Dom: nigga fuck that, you hit me where it hurts...i'ma hit you where it kills." he said the last part in a whisper.

June drawed back and sung hitting Dom in the face. The two guys jumped on June and that's when all hell broke lose. I broke free but was tackled on, that's when my brothers jumped and the fight began.


Me: karl please." I said weakly.

Karl: oh relax one more-" the door busted down and Kenny came in. Without hesitation he shot Karl twice in the side. He rolled off of me and rolled over to his side groaning in pain. Sergio came behind Kenny and ran over to me.

Me: sergio.." I moaned as I started drifting out.

Sergio: we got lil sis we got you." he said. He picked me and carried me out the room.

My vision started to blurry but I could see the outline of the figures I knew. Everyone but my boys were dead.

Sergio: Kenny's in there he didn't shoot to kill." he said. He handed me to one of Lucas's brothers and kissed my head walking off.

He sat down on the ground carefully with me between his legs. My brothers and Lucas went into the room.

??: It's Drebo love." he said softly

I could hear Karl screaming, it put a smile on my face but I could feel myself letting go. I reached out and grabbed someone's hands. The darkness covered my vision and I finally let go.

Lucas POV

Sergio: it's funny how the tables turn." he said wiping the blood from his lip. He knelt down to Karl's level and turned him over. Karl looked a little pale. I looked around the room for something to use...something to light.

June: karl had to be you and Dom." he pointed at Dom who was sitting outside the door way.

June: brothers ride to the end, right?." he said looking at them. In a swift movement he pulled out a gun shooting Karl in the head. He stepped out to Dom and kneeled beside him

Dom: man I never touched her." he begged.

June: I know, we good." he said. In the same sentence he pointed the gun at Dom and pulled the trigger.


It was finally done. We got cyn back. We all stood there for a minute until Cyn's groans snapped us out of it.

Me: CYN!" I said and ran over to her. She barely had any clothes on and she was bleeding everywhere. She had a gash on her stomach, it looked like Karl kept cutting at it making her scream. Drebo let her go and I picked her up. Her head hung over my shoulder and she was out.

Me: I gotchu baby I gotchu." I whispered as I carried her out to the car. The boys followed behind me and we loaded the car and drove off.

C 18: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now