your MY girl. 🤬

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Lucas POV

Dillyn: you cheated pussy." he said throwing his controller at me.

Me: nigga shut the fuck up." I said taking a draw from my blunt.

Cory: move crybaby my turn." he said snatching the controller from me.

Today I just chilled with my brothers. We had a business deal with Cy's brothers and they needed to be here.

Sammy: you talk to shortie yet." he said as I passed him the blunt.

Me: yeah." I lied. I actually let it go. I didn't think much of Craig and her as much anymore

Dillyn paused the game and looked at me.

Dillyn: you don't sound so sure."

Me:...y'all think she still like em." I said

Cory: he who."

Me: Craig man, do you think there's something going on between them."

Cory: nigga bye you must be dumb. She seems all about you dawg." he said sucking his teeth.

Me: yeah I guess."

Dillyn played the game shaking his head

Me: you letting an assumption get in the way of someone you need."

I rolled my eyes and played with him.

June: yo yo yo yo." I heard coming in the house.

Me: wassup g." I said pausing the game

June: where yall niggas at."

Me: game room."

They came in the room and daped us up.

Peanut: time for business." he said sitting down.


I finished my test and turned my paper in.

Mr. Stance: Cynthia you may do the following things on the board quietly." He said pointing to the board. I nodded and went back to my seat.

Me: Study for another class, read a book, or extra credit due friday." I mumbled looking at the board. Decided to do none of those and watch Tv on my computer.

Mr. Stance: those who are still taking the test you have 5 more minutes." she said to the class.

I pulled out my phone and answered all my text messages. My heart dropped when I saw I didn't have a text from Lucas. I honestly didn't get why he was being a baby right.

Me: Mr. Stance can I use the bathroom."

He nodded his head.

Mr. Stance: use the pass." I nodded and snatched the pass. I walked to Seven's class and walked right in with no care in the world.

Coach fields: Cynthia ma'am what are you doing."

Me: um duhh came to see you." I said pulling her hair. She swatted my hand away and turned to face me.

Coach Fields: girl where should you be."

Me: nunya beeeeees waxy." I said going over to Seven.

Coach Fields: hurry up and get out."

I smiled at her and went to the back to Seven's desk.

Coach Fields: you guys are coming to Thursday Nights program?" she said narrowing her eyes at us.

Me: ofc we will be there." I said blowing her a kiss and turning to Seven

Seven: hey girlllllll." she said dragging it out.

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