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Lucas POV

I waited for her outside of the school, she had tutoring today and I wanted to be here when she walked out. Shit was fucking wit a nigga, I didn't even mean to say that shit, nigga was just frustrated. 

I knew she felt embarrassed because it was her first time and she felt like she owed me. I told her brother and instead of bashing my face in like he should have, he told me what to do to fix it.

I checked my watch at the same time the doors opened. She was the last one out, and she was on her phone. She looked up at me and froze.

Me: hey you.." she smiled small walking over to my car, she looked at the parking lot, I guess for her brother since he was the one who always picked her up.

When she saw it was me here for her she stepped back.

Cyn: I can walk.." she turned and began walking.

Me: you're really gonna make a nigga run after you."

Cyn: it shouldn't be hard, I'm slow remember." she yelled back and kept walking.

Me: fuck."  I locked my car and ran up to her stopping her.

Me: we on that now."

Cyn: you are in my way you specimen." she glared at me and walked around me.

I turned back around and caught up to her again.

Me: specimen..?" I smirked.

Cyn: well i didn't wanna crush your heart by saying anything ELSE." she said stopping and walking around me.

Me: Cyn-"

Cyn: that was embarrassing Lucas. You made me feel embarrassed like you didn't wanna do it with me or let me do it to you. It was like you just weren't attracted to me." she said turning around

Me: babygirl it's not like that..what I did was fucked up ok, I was mad that you just think I want sex from you, it was like you wanted me to say or do it."

Me: You didn't get that I want you for you...not for how fat you ass is, or how thick you are, looks is double plus i mean look at you, your gorgeous...but it was because there is so much more to you then what's on you, and I want to be that person that brings it out of you..."

She shivered a little and rubbed her arms.

Me: so you saying that I'm not attracted to is bullshit because if I wasn't we wouldn't be talking. Like you would literally just be my friend." I said.

    She smirked and looked around as it started to get dark outside.

Cyn: could we sit in your car it's getting cold." I nodded and we went back to the car and got in.

Me: I just want you to understand that I didn't need you to do shit back to me. I just wanted you to enjoy it because you never have.  you just kinda frustrated me and I snapped."

She nodded and opened the passengers side of the door. I turned the car on and leaned over kissing her cheek.

Me: you wanna go home?" she nodded and got settled.

The drive home was silent, she played with my right hand the whole way there, pulling and tugging at my fingertips, she was in her own world, I guess she was having her moments.

Me: you take your medicine for your cut.." i said and looked at her. She stared off into space and squeezed my hands.

Cy: I may have forgotten." she shied away from me. She winced and rubbed her head a little.

Me: I should cuss your ass out, but I can tell you gotta headache so imma chill. Start taking yo meds Cy." I said. She nodded her head and closed her eyes until we pulled up to the house.

Santo: finally, thought yall was hurt or something." he said as we came inside.

Me: aye man you tryna be out tonight..?" I said taking a seat on the couch between June and Peanut.

   Cynthia leaned down and kissed my lips before saying goodnight to her brothers and heading home stairs. The hickeys I left on her neck were very vivid and I new June at seen them.

June: I ain't got shit to say." he said he eyeing her hickeys, making the rest of them laugh. I laughed some to and turned to Santo.

Santo: what you tryna do, because tomorrow we having a family night ." he smiled.

Me: family night?"

Santo: yeah it's kinda a thing I do, since we don't live with our parents and stuff, I usually have a night were family gets to come and hang with us and shit."

Me: and I am excited for that right there." I said pointing at them.

Me: I can invite my brothers?" I said.

     I had told them all about how it was going down here and of course about Cy, I went on and on about that girl and I knew them niggas was ready to meet her.

Santo: they family right, you can invite them bro." he shrugged.

Me: my brothers know about your sister, and it would be nice for them to meet her."

Peanut: you love you some of my sister don't you."

I leaned back and pulled out a blunt and rolled it.

Me: I do." I light the blunt and took a draw.

June: so you the oldest brother?"

Me: nah, my brother Drebo is the oldest. I'm the second oldest." I said.

June: ah okay okay, so how come you was the only one who moved down here."

Me: it's a long story, I'm not gone front about that."

June nodded and respected my answer.

Santo: so were did you take my sister today?" he smirked. I couldn't help but smirk and Kenny started laughing. June shook his head and waved his hand.

June: I don't even wanna know nigga." he said making me laugh.

Me: I just took her to have..a talk." I lied.

Santo: you such a liar man." he laughed.

June: so what kinda food you gonna order to be served at family night." he said changing the subject.

Santo: I don't know man." he said still laughing.

   We talked and laughed some more, giving me the chance to really meet her brothers.

I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Dre to come about this family night. It was good that Santo had this family night thing, it ws good that we got to see our family.

C 18: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now