BrickleBerryyy! 🖕🏽

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I stood in line and waited for my cap and gown. I ordered mine and Santo's earlier in the week because I knew he wouldn't remember to. Once I reached the table I gave them my last name and grabbed my cap and gown. Holding it up the red gown gave me a smile. I liked the color choice this year, I was happy it wouldn't be last year's color.

I got off the line and carefully folded my gown over my arm. I waited for Seven as I saw her give her name, she thanked the lady at the desk before coming over to me.

Me: I like this year's color better than last years." I said to her.

Seven: yeah last years graduates didn't look too cute." she laughed.

Me: aren't you excited?" I said.

Seven: yes but this week is about to be so hectic. Not only do we have rehearsal for graduation but we have to get a dress, makeup, hair etc."

Me: well I was wondering if you can style mine?"

Seven: of course. So many of the girls around school have been asking me. I don't know if i can help them all."

Me: let me help. Let's limit the amount of heads you do to 20." I said.

Seven: that's still a lot. I gotta do my own hair."

Me: well first off take care of your hair , don't even do mine or Briana's until your hair is done." I said leaving the auditorium.

We headed to the parking lot where the boys were and I waved at Lucas. He blew me a kiss while holding his cap and gown. I looked at Santo to make sure he picked up his.

Me: Chres, where is your cap and gown?" I said rolling my eyes as we approached them.

Chamar: don't worry I made sure he picked it up." she said sticking her head out the front seat of his car.

Me: I didn't know you were over here." I laughed. She laughed some too and stuck her head back in.

I separated from Seven and went over and wrapped my arms around Lucas's torso. I pressed my head against his chest and snuggled under him with a smile. His cologne engulfed me, and a big smile formed on my face. He never ceased to smell amazing.

Lucas: what's up baby girl." he said kissing my cheek.

Me: nothing." I said softly. He wrapped his arms around my neck and we stood there for a sec.

Me: Me and Seven we're talking about getting ready for graduation." I said looking up at him

Lucas: getting ready how?"

Me: going shopping tomorrow for outfits and stuff." I said. He smiled and kissed my lips before tapping me on my butt.

Lucas: are we invited?"

Me: uh no, you can't come, we can show you what we pick out on graduation." I said. He sucked his teeth and looked away.

Me: besides, that gives you and the boys time to pick something out."

Lucas: I know, I know." he said.

Me I might decorate my cap-"

Jeneva: your not allowed to." she said coming over with the rest of everyone. I frowned and looked at her.

Me: how do you know?"

Jeneva: I already asked around, they won't allow people with decorated caps to walk."

Me: it's not even that serious, at all." I said, shaking my head.

She shrugged and grabbed Ray, they walked past us and hopped into Santo's car. I waved at them as my brother came over and kissed my cheek. He got in the driver's seat and the pulled off.

C 18: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now