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After what felt like a lifetime, the door swung open and nurses filed out along with Dr. Hale. She gave me a sympathetic look as I shot up, ready to see Aster, to talk to her, to hold her.
"How is she?" I asked eagerly.
Dr. Hale gently shut the door behind her and took a deep breath. "She's alive and her body is doing well."
"Then what's wrong?" I questioned, wanting her to get straight to the point.
"Well," she paused to piece together her words, "during the accident Aster took a lot of damage to her head. Her brain took a lot of damage to the occipital lobe and temporal lobe."
"And what does that mean?" I asked getting more impatient by the minute.
"Aster is currently blind." My heart dropped, "We think it could be temporary, but we're not sure. All we can do is wait."
"There's something else, isn't there?"
Dr. Hale sighed, "Unfortunately, yes." I nodded for her to continue, anxiously shifting my weight from side to side. "Aster seems to have a case of amnesia as well."
"Amnesia? You mean she doesn't remember things?" I panicked, "How bad?"
"I think she still believes that some man named Daniel is her soulmate." Dr. Hale quickly spoke again, "But please don't worry! Her amnesia could be temporary as well, we can work with her during her physical therapy and give her counseling. She's going to have to stay here for a while before her body adjusts to moving again."
I took a deep breath in attempt to keep calm. "Okay, can I see her now?"
"Go ahead, but keep in mind she might not remember you. Be patient with her."
I nodded before Dr. Hale walked off. Tyler stopped me before I went in, "Be careful man."
"Yeah, I know." The door squeaked quietly as I pushed it open, peeking inside to see Aster staring blankly at the wall in front of her.
Her head twisted to my general direction, "Is someone in here?"
"Yeah," I shut the door behind me, "It's Josh."
She stared right through me as her eyebrows furrowed, "Josh?" She paused and dropped her head, "I don't know a Josh."
I sat in the chair next to her bed, "What do you know?"
"My name is Aster Lily Montillo, I'm 25 and engaged to my soulmate Daniel," she spoke unconfidently. "They say I have a bad case of amnesia. Is that true?"
"Yeah, it is."
"Then can you tell me what I can't remember, please?" She frowned and played with the scratchy hospital sheets.
"I'm not supposed to overwhelm you." I answered solemnly.
"I don't care," she defied, "I want to know what's happening."
I paused, thinking it couldn't hurt her too much. "Okay, you tell me to stop when you need me to." She nodded, urging me to go on. "You were in a car accident with me. We were grocery shopping and a truck was out of control and you pushed me out of the way and took the hit on your own."
"Oh." She said simply. "How do I know you Josh?"
"We're soulmates." I answered bluntly, I just wanted her back.
"Oh," she paused again and suddenly tears were falling down her cheeks. I went to hold her hand but she pulled away and wiped at her eyes, "I need to talk to Daniel. I'm sorry Josh, I'm trying to remember I swear."
"It's okay don't cry," I carefully wiped away some of her tears as she leaned into my touch slightly, "You had no control over this. I'll have the hospital call Daniel and we can figure things out."
She nodded and hesitantly pushed my hand away. "Okay," she paused, "Can we call him now?"

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