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The whole room fell silent. All I could hear was my heart violently pumping in my ears and Aster's stuttered breathing just barely cutting through. It felt as though everything had stopped in time. As if everything was going the way it should be, but plummeting to the pits of hell at the same time. It felt like we were all just stuck in this exact moment for centuries. Until time moved again.
In not even a second a wall of tears broke free from the dam behind Aster's eyes and flowed freely down her cheeks as she choked on her words. "I- you- I just-" She took a deep breath trying to piece herself together. "You really mean it?" She somehow managed to force herself to say.
"Of course I mean it." I reached out to hold one of her hands and give it a reassuring squeeze. "I want to be with you for as long as we live, if you'd let me?"
She shook her head back and forth as her eyes welled up in more tears that instantly fell down her face. "Yes! Yes you idiot!" She half sobbed and half laughed out as she collapsed down to her knees to hug the life out of me. "Of course I'll marry you. I love you." She hiccuped as I squeezed her body closer to mine, also holding back tears.
"I love you too," I mumbled against her neck that I had nestled into and pressed a small kiss to her skin. "So much."
"Give her the ring!" Tyler shouted from the other side of the room, causing Aster to laugh.
"Oh right." I sheepishly smiled and slipped the ring onto her finger. She smiled and wiped away her tears, admiring the simple ring that hugged her finger perfectly.
"Aw man! My makeup is everywhere! I can't stop crying!" Jenna interrupted as she dramatically threw her arms around her husband.
Aster giggled at her actions before setting her focus back on me. "This is actually happening?" I nodded before she jumped towards me and pushed her lips against mine over and over again. "I love you so so so much."
"Well I'd hope so cause now you're stuck with me forever." I joked.
"You say that like it's a bad thing." She sniffled the remainder of her tears away. "Okay sorry to like ruin the moment but I can't be the only one who's starving!"
I pecked her nose before standing and helping her up with me. "Alright, what do you want to eat?" She gave me a look that pretty much said, 'are you actually asking me what I want to eat?' I turned to Jenna and Tyler who were both still wiping away tears from the event that just unfolded. "Aster wants pizza, do you guys want to come."
"You're just gonna go out to get pizza after that?" Tyler asked in disbelief.
"Are you not hungry?" Aster laughed while she played with the ring around her finger.
"Okay! Okay! Let's go." Jenna sniffled and pulled Tyler along as we went down the street to get our favorite pizza.
Once we sat down Aster sighed contently. "Since we just got engaged does his mean I need to break up with pizza?"
I laughed and snapped a picture before posting it with a the answer to her question.

 "Since we just got engaged does his mean I need to break up with pizza?"I laughed and snapped a picture before posting it with a the answer to her question

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tagged: asterlily
joshuadun: you don't need to break up with pizza just cause we're engaged, but pizza needs to learn to share you with me 👀
@.asterlily: i'll have to go discuss this with pizza boyfriend about the whole joint custody thing
@.jennaajoseph: you two are dorks and i'm not crying i swear
@.tylerrjoseph: she's crying^
@.asterlily: @.joshuadun post a selfie
@.joshuadun: @.asterlily never

tagged: joshuadunasterlily: my dumb fiancé wouldn't post a selfie and i love his face and so do a lot of his fans so like enjoy this selfie he took on my phone comments@

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tagged: joshuadun
asterlily: my dumb fiancé wouldn't post a selfie and i love his face and so do a lot of his fans so like enjoy this selfie he took on my phone
@.jennaajoseph: omg is that the joshua dun??
@.tylerrjoseph: uh i'm not jealous 🙄
@.joshuadun: @.tylerrjoseph sh, you know you're my #1 😉
@.tylerrjoseph: @.joshuadun 😘
@.jennaajoseph: @.tylerrjoseph @.joshuadun 🤢😤
@.asterlily: @.joshuadun to think i was gonna break up with pizza for you
@.joshuadun: @.asterlily you wouldn't
@.asterlily: @.joshuadun you right 🙃

i couldn't think of another way to end this so yeah have fun. btw this story is almost over

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