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I opened the door to see my parents and my brother standing there.

Before anybody could say anything, I wrapped Parker in a bear hug and didn't let go.

After I finally released him he looked at me and smiled "you got so much taller"

"I got taller? No, you are so big now. You're growing up so fast"

He just laughed at me and I heard a cough coming from behind me.

"Oh, Parker, this is Tanner. You met when you were younger"

"It's nice to see you Tanner" Parker said shaking Tanner's hand

"You too Parker" he said smiling

"I'm glad you guys came to help. It was taking so long doing this by ourselves" I said hugging my parents

"Of course honey" they replied

After we caught up for a few minutes, we went downstairs and started putting everything together. The time passed by faster after we put on some music and had random conversations with each other.

When we had finished everything, I sat on the stool upstairs and everyone stood around me.

"I'm starving" my mom sighed

"We could order pizza" I replied

"No, we had pizza for lunch" my dad added

"Lets go out and eat, I'll buy" Tanner smiled

"You really don't have to Tanner" my dad said sympathetically

"It's alright, I want to"


We all left the house and got into my mom's car. It was dark outside by the time we got to the restaurant and we all got out of the car.

We all went in and sat at our table.

"We have something to tell you Skylar" my mom announce

"What is it?"

"Your brother and I have been working on this for a few months now but we have planned on Parker staying out here for a while"

"Yay. How long?"

"Actually, we wanted to ask if it was okay if he took your old room rather than sleeping in the guest room"

"Of course he can have it mom. You didn't even have to ask. But how long?"

"He's going to be living out here permanently. He wanted to come live with us so he could see you more often. He asked your grandpa over the summer"

I made a loud screeching noise from my excitement and everyone looked at me

"I'm so happy you get to live here Parker"

"I'm happy to get to live here too" he smiled

Our food got to our table and we ate then left. The rest of the night was kind of awkward since there wasn't any other big news but we had small conversations.

My parents dropped me and Tanner off then they went home. As Tanner unlocked the door, I heard someone inside the house.

"Is Jacob home?"

"He's not supposed to be here until tomorrow"

"What is in the house then?"

"I don't know"

"Maybe we should call the cops"

"Without going on first?"

I sighed "ok"

He opened the door and he stepped inside with me following close behind. I turned the corner and Jacob jumped out of the darkness. I screamed and flew to the floor almost giving myself a heart attack. Jacob laughed as Tanner laughed too.

"You guys had that planned? That was mean"

"Actually I didn't know either babe. I jumped, but I didn't get quite as scared as you" Tanner said as he finished laughing

"I'm sorry" Jacob laughed as he almost fell to the floor "I had to"

I sighed and got up off the floor "I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow"

"I wasn't but i got all of my stuff loaded so I figured why not just come now"

"Ok. We got your stuff put together in your room upstairs"

"I know, Tanner told me earlier"

"Oh, ok"

"I've already got my stuff inside but I'm going to go unpack, goodnight guys"

"Goodnight" Tanner and I replied in sync

We went downstairs and fell asleep

A/N I'm so so so so sorry for not updating in so long. Like, I'm really sorry. I've just been so busy with school and getting my grades caught up that I just haven't had time to update. I hope you guys aren't too mad at me. I know I said this last time too but I will try to keep the book updated

Peace out~Lexi

Always//Tanner FoxWhere stories live. Discover now