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I woke up and instantly looked around the room...no one was there, just me and phoenix. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. I feel nothing right now.

I heard my bedroom door creek open and I shot up from the bed.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but it's just me" Jacob chuckled

"Have you heard anything from him?"

"No. But I brought you breakfast. Maybe it'll make you feel better?"

"Maybe. What did you bring?" I asked and he handed me the bag

"Black bear diner"

"Thank you so much" I said taking the food out of the bag.

"I got your favorite"

"Thanks Jacob, it means a lot"

"Of course"

I heard footsteps upstairs "who's that?"

"I'm pretty sure it's Bradley"

"Oh" I sighed and took a few bites

"I've gotta go but Bradley is home if you need anything"


"I'll see ya"

"See ya"

Tanner's POV

When I left last night, I didn't know where to go but I found myself at my mom's house. She let me crash on the couch and she made me breakfast.

I sat at the kitchen table staring out the window and my mom stood silently in the door frame.

"I don't know what to do mom"

"I don't know either but I know that you need to go home"


"Because Skylar needs you now more than ever and you're here"

"I'm just scared mom"

"Of what honey?"

"What people are going to think and say? How am I'm supposed to tell them? What about my career?"

"What about it? You're career is going to be just fine. Think about Skylar. She is losing a whole lot more than you. People are going to say a lot more about her than you. She had a future planned, she is supposed to be leaving in a couple months to go to college. Her good name is gone. Her innocence and integrity are gone. How do you think her family is going to react? How is she going to explain this to her friends and yours? She has to put all her plans to the side"

"I didn't even think about that" I said putting my face in my hands "how did this happen?"

"Well...did you use pr-"

"Yes mom, I'm not stupid. There has only been once that I didn't"

"Which was?"

"The first time"

"You didn't use protection the first time?!"

"It's in the past and- you know what? I'm not having this conversation with you"

"Is she on the pill?"



"She doesn't want to take them mom and I would never force her to. She hates pills and she is scared to take them"

"Maybe that's how it happened"

"I don't know, maybe. I just don't want to have this conversation with my mom. It's weird"

"Fine" she sighed "How do you feel about it honey?"

"Honestly, I'm scared. I don't know how to do this......but it is what it is"

"You aren't thinking about leaving are you?"

"No! Why would I do that? Why would I leave sky? It's not her fault this happened"

"Exactly sweetie, it isn't her fault-"

"But I got mad at her. Why did I do that? I can't imagine how she feels right now. I'm such an asshole"

"It was just a lot to take in, don't beat yourself up about it"

"I have to go home mom. I have to apologize" I said grabbing my keys and running out of the house

Skylar's POV

I sat in my room scrolling through my phone when I decided to watch a movie to try and make me feel better. I decided to watch 22 jump street because it's a comedy and I was hoping it could cheer me up.

About fifteen minutes into the movie, I heard someone run into my room.

"I'm so sorry baby. I shouldn't have left, that was so selfish. I had no right to get mad at you, I'm so fucking sorry" he said wrapping his arms around me

"It's okay"

"No it's not"

"It really is, I promise. I thought about it anyway and I was thinking......maybe the best option is an ab-"

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence Sky. You aren't getting an abortion, I won't let you"

"Then what am I supposed to do? I don't want this"

"I do"


"I don't want you to abort the baby because I was hoping we could just figure out a way to keep it"

"I'm sorry Tanner.....but I have a future ahead of me, a dream I want to chase. A baby is going to ruin my future"

"It isn't the baby's fault, it isn't anybody's fault. These things just happen"

"I know...I just can't handle this and I really think it's the best option"

"It's not Skylar, I swear it-"

"Just stop Tanner" I said as tears fell down my cheeks

"Stop what?"


"Why?! Why would I need to stop talking?"

"Because Tanner! I just know that you are going to try and talk me out of it. I just don't want to talk about this"

"Well, when do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't want want to talk about it at all"

I could see the anger building up in his eyes and he clenched his jaw and fists.

As I cried harder, tanner's face softened but he looked away. After a few seconds, he left the room and slammed the door shut.

Always//Tanner FoxWhere stories live. Discover now