(4) Welcome to Winchester High!

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I stepped off the bus and made my way up the rough concrete steps to this new place. I took a deep breath and pushed the big glass doors open, to see it looked the same as most schools I've been too. Big hallway lockers on each side going all the way down, class rooms in between each twenty lockers the usual, younger kids and then older ones standing around in their groups talking. I didn't have to go get a timetable thank god, mum got it for me when she enrolled me.

I had a quick glance at my timetable, locker 275. Thank god it wasn't numbered from 1-300 or something. I laughed to myself. I headed towards the hallway and kept an eye out for 275... A few people whispered to themselves as I walked past, couple just smiled and a couple laughed. 273, 274, finally 275.

I checked the combanation and coded it in and yay it opened with a breeze. I haven't lost my touch on opening lockers like this. Two schools ago they had lockers like this the locks were rusted and so hard to open...

"Hey, you must be new." A voice of a girl startled me as I jumped and turned around.

"Settle down I'm not a ghost or something. What's your name?"

"Uh, I'm Autumn who's asking?" I said slightly stand off-ish.

"I'm Kat, nice to meet you. This is Ella, Tarnie and Madi. You should sit with us at lunch, you're cute." She winked, blowing me a kiss.

"Sure." I said as she was twirling away.

"Meet us here before lunch my lockers opposite you girl, mwah!" She skipped away with her minions following her.

Great just great, the popular bitches already want me in their posse. I hated that crap but at the same time it was safe being around them at the moment, I could pick and choose after that...plus I kind of suited that area of friends....I sadly too was a total bitch... Neve and I were the two queen bee's back in Gordon anyway. I sighed grabbing my books I saw I had English first.

I made my way down the halls slowly so I could find my way but it was proving more difficult than I thought..

"Hey baby, where are you heading." A male voice interupted my thoughts. I turned around on my heels to approach him, blonde haired blue eyes, kinda hot, smirking at me.

"Oh hey, English if you'd be a doll and take me." I batted my eyelashes.

"Sure thing, this way." I didn't explain I was queen bee in my last school I was there from year nine up to year eleven ..I hate to admit it, but I love being like that. I get helped whenever I need it and I get to do whatever I like. Kat will have a run for her position...that's all I can say.

"Over here doll face. What's your name?" He said leaning up against the door.

"I'm Autumn, and you?" I smirked.

"Names Trey. Don't forget it you'll be screaming it on day." He winked and walked away.

"If you say so Trey." I said coldly, and walked into class.

I saw Madi sitting at the second row, she saw me and waved me over, I went over naturally better to know someone in a class than know no one!

"Hey, your really pretty by the way." She whispered.

"Aw, thanks love, so are you." I whispered and smiled at her.

She smiled from my comment, I was already winning my way around here!

"Good morning class, I see we have a new face in here this morning. Would you care to stand up and introduce yourself please, young lady." She said not as a question but as a statement which basically meant I had no choice.

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