(23) Almost Home Time

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"Well sweetheart I'm going to go and let you get some rest, roughly four more days and you can leave this place and come home." She smiled, she seemed happy about me coming home too.

I nodded and gave her a hug she hugged me softly this time so I didn't wince at her.

"I love you pumpkin, and I'm really sorry." She whispered.

"Don't you be sorry it was them.... don't worry my life will be better now, once he comes back to me." I smiled at her.

Night time in here was hectic.. people coming in and out, nurses coming in and out, I didn't get fuck all sleep I knew that much...

I missed Jack too..that didn't help the situation... When I was feeling vulnerable.. Jack always made me feel better... my life was pretty screwed up at the moment, most of my focus was on him... no one else could see him so that made me crazy.
Therefore I didn't go to school, and I tried to kill myself to be with him... well I hoped I would have seen him when I passed away in the same place as him anyway...that was my plan.

It didn't work out that way, I landed here. Now I'm waiting for him to come back. I'm slightly scared that he won't....but I need to have faith, he's the only hope I have about life at the moment so let's hope these last few months have been worth it all.

I hope what he says is true and that being back in his own body...he won't change...I don't think I could handle that, I think I'd push him straight back into the lake where he belonged.. yeah I'm still witty and bitchy. I smirked to myself.

I'm only joking, I love that guy more than anything in the world, I think everyone knows that too, I mean Jesus...who can say they tried to take their own life for a dead guy? Me, me I can! Madam crazy over here!

I saw the sun I knew that was a bad thing because I hadn't actually slept properly yet... doctors came in about seven-ish checking up on me and what not.

"Miss Paris, if you are still showing the same lively signs as what you are this morning, tomorrow we may look at sending you home earlier, we'd be looking between tomorrow afternoon, evening. Does that sit well with you?"

"Do you think you'd be ready to go home that early? You can give us the decision you make, and we will work around you. Your experience was very traumatic so we won't hold it against you if you aren't ready to leave." The doctor sat on the end of my bed and asked me really genuinely it was fantastic service and communication here.

"That would be awesome, yes I'd like to go home, I miss my mum a lot. We aren't usually apart this long with only specific times to see each other." I smiled.

"Wonderful, we will come to check on you this afternoon to make sure you're still doing well, and then we will look at discharging you tomorrow afternoon around about lunch time." He smiled again and patted my leg as he got off the bed.

"Have a good day Miss Paris." He smiled.

"Thanks I'll try! You too." I smiled.

I rang mum and asked if she could pay for the T.V for me because it looks like I still had about a day to a day and a half here still I needed something to do. She said she paid for two days for me, so that was awesome. I flicked the remote on and got a few cartoon channels, I hate day time t.v it's crap and mostly for old people...I'll stick with cartoon network and nickelodeon thanks!

Breakfast came in not long after the doctor came to see me, I must have been first on their lists today... I was seen pretty quickly yesterday but I guess today they want to make sure I'm okay.

"Thanks." I said to the lady carrying the food trays she just smiled at me and waved, she was either busy or she didn't speak good English I don't really know, she was this short brown haired lady who looked Spanish or Italian I don't really know.

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