(8) Party Organisation

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I decided I was definitely going to have that party and invite Jack. I got butterflies from him, he's the only guy that's ever done that to me... I didn't even really get butterflies from Chris, he just bought me stuff, and we were queen bee and king it's just how it was.

I got on the bus still feeling blah because Jack wasn't at the lake...he said he quit school maybe he was out at work or something, I never really asked what he did to be honest. I stared out the window the whole way to school, my mind completely elsewhere.

I got off the bus thanked the bus driver and slumped my bag over my back, and dordelled my way to class, I had English so Madi was with me, I could mention the party to her and Kat knew how to make up invitations in I.T.E class, so she could help me..I was a nerd but I wasn't creative so the decorating part I was shit with.

"Hey babe." Madi smiled as I sat down.

"Heyy." I smiled weakly.

"You okay huni?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine." I said waving her off.

"I'm having a house party on the weekend, do you think you could mention it to a few people, seeming's you're like the best gossip around." I giggled quietly.

She giggled, "Oh absolutely! Is your mum going away for the weekend is she?" I just nodded as the teacher walked in.

She winked and turned to the front.
No matter how hard I tried I could NOT concentrate...Jack flooded my mind, the class went so slowly and all I did was click my pen on my desk..and stare out the window.

"Miss Paris? Are you still with us, could you read the next passage please." I got broken out of my deep thoughts.

"Yes sorry." I nodded opening the book to where we were reading at.

Thank god the bell went for the class to end as I was finishing up my sentence. "Okay class, please remember to read the rest of the book, by Monday next week, we will be having an essay on this story. I won't see you tomorrow so have a good weekend." She nodded and smirked in my direction I don't know why I reckon she didn't like me. She packed up her books and tidied her desk for the next class, life as a teacher Jesus Christ I thought, how repetitive and boring.

I walked out and basically got tackled on the floor, well almost. "You really have to warn me when you're gonna do that Kat!" I laughed at her.

"Sorryyyy. Madi told me you were doing that party for the weekend!" Fuck that went around fast.

"Jesus Madi what did you do text her as soon as I said it??" I said laughing.

"Yup!!" She giggled.

"Wow!" I laughed again. "But yes planning it for Saturday night, if everyone could spread the word that would be great, also Kat in I.T.E wanna help me make invitations?" I smirked.

"Fuck yes!!" She squealed.

I clapped excitedly, "Okay I have Maths then break, then IT!" They all clapped excitedly too, this was going to be the best weekend ever!


The bell for Maths ended quickly thank god I hate Maths with a passion, I always have and I always will. I practically ran to the cafeteria, scoffed down my food, and bolted to the I.T.E room waiting for class to start, I knew I wasn't going to be paying attention to anything Mr Wright was going to be saying, instead I would be to interested in making these invitations, saving them to my school folder and printing them out at lunch.

Kat did the same thing we were first inside but we had to wait until the teacher arrived for the day to login and what not, it was one thing to go in on lunch and after school... Although during classes you had to wait which was fine, he was pretty laid back, cute too. All computer teachers and English teachers are usually hot though, it's just how school works. If they're males anyway.

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