*19* Heartbreak And Betrayal

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School came around too fast, Jack took me which was awesome, my boyfriend driving me to school then getting out because he's also working there! I couldn't be anymore lucky! English being my strongest subject too I didn't have to worry about favouritism problems because everyone knew I was the best in English.

I got tapped on the shoulder by Kat.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." She said hugging me. "Are you okay?" She pouted.

"I'm better than okay! Jack is the new student English teacher!" I squealed.

She squealed because she was in English with me now, as of last term she moved up. So now it was Me Kat and Madi in English together.

We ran to the class and went inside, thank god we weren't late. I put my books down and started drawing hearts onto my desk. I shouldn't but I'd rub it out later.

The door opened again and more students piled in. I didn't even see Jack come in but the next thing I heard was. "Good morning class I'm Mr Parker your new English Teacher, Mrs Wilts has stepped down until further notice. Therefore I will be taking over this class. I do not tolerate bullshit, so don't even try to push my buttons. Is everyone clear?" He smirked and looked at me and winked suttley.

I smiled back at him and looked down. "Oh my god that's Jack, he's fucking gorgeous!!!" She squealed quietly.

"I know! You don't have to tell me!" I giggled quietly.

"Girls! Is there something you'd like to share to the class?" He stared at me.

"I do!" Kat said.

"I was just telling Autumn to be quiet because she was going on about how sexy you were. Sorry Mr Parker." She winked at him.

"Is that so...Autumn? you will stay after class, I said I didn't tollerate rudeness or bullshit in ny class. Thank you. If anyone else wishes to join her, say so now." He snapped hitting his ruler on the desk.

"Now AS I was SAYING before I got INTERUPTED. He glared at me.

"The essay from two weeks ago that got postponed will still go ahead tomorrow instead of today. I hope you've all been studying." He stared around the room. He started talking about other random shit I can't believe he pulled that off. He really was amazing. I stared out the window... I didn't feel happy today....English usually made me happy well it was the one class I'd look forward to each day... today I didn't... I really just felt like bursting into tears.

Soon after my little daydream the bell went. I knew I had to wait so I just sat there staring out the window. Once everyone left I saw Jack walking over to me.

"Hey what's wrong? Don't lie either I can see straight through it. I know Kat was the one bragging too, but you didn't look yourself as soon as I winked at you. " He said lifting my chin up.

"I don't know..." I usually love English...it's the one subject I don't day dream in.. but today I just..." A tear fell down my cheek.

"Baby! Hey!!" He pulled me close and hugged me. Tears fell down my face.

"I'm scared I'm going to loose you Jack...I just have this really bad feeling..." I sniffed.

"Don't be silly, I love you and only you." He said hushing me.

"I hope so....I couldn't take loosing you Jack.." I wiped my eyes.

"I know, you won't okay?" He smiled.

I nodded wiping my eyes again.

"Come on we can't have this looking suspcious." He smiled helping me up giving me a hug then acting like I got in trouble so I had to leave.

"Shit are you okay girl? What happened in there?" Kat asked.

"Got in trouble for daydreaming." I laughed sarcastically wiping tears off my eyes.

"Aww what an ass." She put her nose up as he walked past but then her eyes went straight to his ass. And she was lost in a trance.

"Oi eyes off, that ass belongs to me." I giggled.

"Aw come on its a nice ass to look at, I was just looking!" She said acting like I'd share or something.

"Whatever..." I changed the subject. "So what do you have next?" I smiled acting like I didn't care what she said.

"Ugh Science... you?"

"Music..." I rolled my eyes. "Meet me in the cafeteria?"

"You got it! Mwah Mwah!" She blew kisses and left.

I saw Kat walk the other way Science block was on the other end of the school...she was walking towards Drama and Music..

I shrugged it off. And went to the cafeteria I needed a bottle of water...

"Thanks." I said to the lunch lady. I dordelled my way to Music still thinking it was weird Kat went this way... I got to music room A and I saw the note on the wall saying class had been moved here today. Usually it was Music Room B. I shrugged and turned towards the door.

I saw someone in and I opened the door and I screamed and ran out immediately. I did NOT just witness that! No no no no no no no!!! I screamed again! Kat riding Jack... his head was tilted back holding her ass!!!!

I ran into the bathroom and just burst into tears. Sitting myself in the corner, I wanted to face no one! He promised me! He promised me! I was his only one! Then day one of his new 'job' he was with another student!!!! Worst of all it was KAT!!!! HOW COULD SHE DO THAT TO ME!!!

I bawled my eyes out for ages I didn't even want to go near the music room because I'd see either one of them. Why why why why why! He changed immediately in that other persons body. I ran out of the bathroom and headed towards the library not even looking up once. Three people saw me coming at great speed and moved out the way for me. I was so angry right now. If I saw Jack I think I'd scream at him or worst punch him in the face.

I pushed the library doors open really hard and they hit together as they swung back. I went straight to the computers and typed in Google making three attempts to write it while I had tears streaming down my face, 'Do souls change if they enter a new body as a passageway?'

I scrolled and scrolled through this first article I found and the answer was NOT what I hoped for...

A soul that uses another passageway other than their own original body, will gain significant traits of that current passageway for better or for worse. The soul is its original being, though only a little bit follows them into the passageway. The only way to get the soul back to its original state is to kill it so it is free from its passageway again. This can be done by using a Ouija board or harming the person they've become.

I put my head on my arms and just cried. I lost my boyfriend. The one thing I was told wouldn't happen, I lost him....

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